Saturday, 17 December 2016

The new Social Care paid by Council Tax

When listening to the Today Programme on Radio 4 during the week, the topic of social care and funding came up. The presenter began by using these very words "we are a rich country." Within a moment the red veil of anger descended, eyes rolled back and the persona of a pissed off person woke up the birth of my morning. Here is a fact we are not rich, we are a broken bankrupt country, but we just don't get it!  As mentioned in other blogs, the UK is £1.6 trillion pounds in debt and this equates to a personal debt of £25,000 for every single man, woman and child. So to say we are a rich nation is a lie, to say we should be able to fund good social care for the elderly is a lie. It's not going to happen. In the mean time those elderly who get only the basic pension £155.60 per week and many will complain they are unable to make ends meet, yet those on basic Job Seekers Allowance (single adults over 25 years of age) get £72.40 per week, and Employment Support Allowance (paid to those with can't work because of a disability) begins at £73.10 and then depending on circumstances can move to £109.30, these figures are subject to change because each individual claimant has different circumstances and may actually qualify for other benefits.  To put it simply those on subsistence level incomes provided by the state don't have a lot of money and are effectively living in poverty.  It also means if they are not working or have some kind of other income they are likely not paying taxes, certainly not direct taxes. Indirect taxes will be paid and no one can get away from them. Therefore as the population ages and it is about to be a very elderly country, how is social care for the elderly going to be financed? 

The Tory government have decided Local Authorities will fund social care for the elderly. Now it is necessary to understand what care is required and how much it is going to be. There are of course many different levels of social care. Some people like to be fearsomely independent, others have allowed themselves to become dependent, and others were just unfortunate to age badly and need help even though they would rather do it themselves.  This is not just elderly for lets not think it is just elderly people who need care it is people of all ages. Some are disabled, some are mentally ill and some are just in the system when they shouldn't be. In the worse case scenario, an individual who lives in their own home and needs 24 hours of care a day to help them sleep, eat, drink, and move about will have a care bill of about £100,000. This is just one person, now throw in a few more and it is not long before this figure starts to reach the millions mark. Again this does not count those who require different levels of personal care. So it is a fact, social care is very expensive, but at the same time the country can not afford it. The country can not afford anything which is not contributing to reducing the national debt. The country can not afford bed blocking elderly people for the costs of an NHS bed and support is even more expensive than 24 hour care for someone bedridden in their own home. How can this government come to the conclusion increasing Council Tax by 6% over the next two years will pay for all the necessary care needed?  It is a sticking plaster to a government which does not have any answers, a government which is proving to be incompetent on a daily basis.

What tests relationships and any personality is not when people live through good easy times, it is when they have to live through bad times. When they are confronted with a crisis, when responsibilities are piling up and pulling you left right and centre. When it is unrelenting and doesn't stop. It's the same for management of teams. When you have a great team of people who work hard then it's not necessary to actually tell them what to do, they will self organize and get on with it. They will support each other and management becomes easy. However, when your team is not a bunch of the sharpest tools in the box and the pressure is on, this is when management and personality come into play. Getting the best out of a bad team is about managing individuals and gaining each other's respect. It is more difficult than having an easy ride. Dealing with the least competent and bringing a fractious group together is real management and involves real skills.

What Local Authorities have just witnessed is the divergence of central government and worse still it is a Pontious Pilot washing of hands. If central government can defer responsibility to the LAs then it can justifiably say it was nothing to do with them. The Tory party can say they knew nothing, took no role in the collection of finances for social care and even say everything is fine. When it is not and more lies are fed to gullible people. Gullibility which is financed through media control and the best Tory owned media control as well. Local Authorities administer care for people in the community, they ensure carers are sent out, they keep an eye on finance and on quality. However, quality goes out of the window when costs go down. In an employers market then taking on carers to work in the community doesn't cost as much as qualified carers. People want jobs so it doesn't take much in the way of training to get them wiping arses, handling and moving people or making a sandwich. Caring has become a service industry with little in the way of standards. This is why the media is constantly full of horror stories. The government and LA's have been given no choice but to drive down caring costs as much as they possibly can. In doing so they help save tax payers money, because we are bankrupt. If the service users are affected by poor quality care then so what? It's cheap and at least they get a service. I bet  there are Tory supporters who are even part of a Harold Shipman supporters club and secret thank the murdering bastard for reducing care costs.

Those who pay Council Tax are not all residents in a borough. For this tax is only paid by the persons named on the bill, usually the ones with the highest interest in a property or the one who is living and renting the property. So unfairly it is just council tax charge payers which now foot the bill. Some people may get benefits or exemptions or discounts from their charge so they don't have to pay the full bill or any of it. To try and pay for social care by using this only mechanism to finance it is a little like stirring a pot of soup with a single chop stick. It will be ineffective and was not made for the job. Just as the financing for the NHS is now at rock bottom in comparison of what it is expected to do and the number of users trying to access it. Like the deficit social care must be financed and like the deficit the two are inextricably linked. It's now time this government put into place real Tax gathering laws ones which will return finances back to helping the country grow and care and educate itself. Lets start by hitting the big fish, Amazon, Google, Starbucks to name a few, and any other business which views this country as a walk over. Unfortunately the Tories don't really give a shit, because lets face it they can afford the best care in the world but it doesn't matter about everyone else.

Sunday, 11 December 2016

London Beggars

What was once the suburbs of London have now become and integral part of London, though not central these areas are just as much suffering from the pain of being in the very centre. The reason for this is the ever increasing need for housing and transport systems updating. There are hundreds of thousands of new properties  lining the Thames gateway into London. Many of which are empty as they are owned by investors all over the world seeing them as pots of interest growing gold.  These once derelict and impoverished areas have become posh looking and have the whiff of gentrification.  This putrid stench attracts rats who pick up the scraps, in search of poverty, homelessness, exorbitant rents, there is worse crime gang violence, slavery and this little thing of begging, however you name it we got it. To think of us as the sleepy suburbs is to be mislead. It is just used by employers so they don't have to pay London weighting.  The Thames Gateway is part of urban London and anywhere the Crossrail has encroached should be considered as part of central London. It has inherent crime and a struggle for survival is an ongoing daily event. They may be mistaken in the belief the streets
of London are paved with gold, but perhaps in comparison where these migrants come from, for it is a lot different, Romania, Bulgaria and Albania. The London Begging scene has grown to the extent it is  a professional business and appears to have been taken up by a multitude professional Eastern Europeans beggars. These people have  taken the right of free movement across Europe as EEA nationals and made it the right o beg wherever they want. So here on what might of once been thought of as the outskirts of London real inner city problems have multiplied. Side by side is the stench of poverty and the rich.

Each morning I go to work, mostly catching a bus, the journey is less than three miles but it can take up to an hour or more.  An hour is significant marker, because this is exactly how long it takes when setting out with the purpose of walking to work. Walking three miles in what I view is central London but without the view of St Pauls or Embankment. When I get off my bus and then walk the short distance to my work place I pass three or four beggars, sometimes more. What marks them out is their appearance. They don't have the look of British people, they don't talk, they just hold out a hand, one man does not have a hand and he holds out the stub where his hand used to be. It's a sympathy vote ploy to get more coins in his other outstretched hand. A little like what goes on in India where young children may be purposely disabled so their ability to gain coins begging increases. They become a human asset. This man uses his stub in the same way. An elderly woman with a scarf reminiscent of the 1950s when British women used to wear scarfs also holds her hand out. In Both instances they look dirty, grubby and like they are likely from a family or group of people. The place they stand is the same place day in and day out. Except its a part time job and they do it rush hour mornings. Once when I went to put some money on my Oyster card I saw the one handed man filling out a Western Union form. His begging money is on the way to his home, because London is not his home, London is just a convenient place from which he gets begging money and no doubt claims benefits.

EEA nationals can stay in the UK and claim benefits here providing they can show they work. It doesn't matter what their work is and many of them will say they are cleaners. The funny thing is they usually clean houses which are occupied by fellow EEA nationals who are willing to write out letters saying they work there. It's a scam, so a friend of mine told me. They then claim both Working and Child Tax Credits. The key is being self-employed and they also gain another valued benefit Child Benefit. Their income for this bogus work means they are attracted to live here. They keep within their own communities because it might be a little too difficult to learn English, or they don't have the time to attend classes, afterall they are here for one thing. It is money. There is good reason why this year we have seen the net migration level now raise to 345,000 immigrants, more than last year's record level of 333,000 which lying ex prime minster Cameron said would be in the tens of thousands. Their children are then put into already over crowded schools that's if they decide to keep their children here. There are instances where the male of a family will claim all these benefits and send his wife and kids back to his own country. He'll even register them with the health service because in his own European country the health service isn't as good. Not all countries in the EU are equal and this has been the biggest mistake the EU made when they began to include substandard poverty stricken lands.

It's not like London doesn't have it's own indigenous population of beggars because it does. There are British beggars who are on the streets because they have no home for the property which they might of been given has been allocated to a family from Eastern Europe. A family who have never put into the tax system of the UK but can live here and work here. Or should we say pretend to work here. There are British beggars who are in the position of homelessness because they have ongoing mental health issues. Illnesses which have never been properly tackled by the defunct NHS system we have. A health system which does not believe in helping the mentally ill, because ring fenced funds are kept for real physical health problems. But mental health costs more in the long run than does physical health. Someone who can not contribute to society because they are mentally ill will stay mentally ill. The real health issue is to bring these people out of mental illness back into the land of sanity. To give them every possible helping hand they can get. Imagine the best possible mental health support given to someone with severe anxiety, depression or PTSD and then those same people finding they can with guidance integrate back into
society. It would mean they would come off benefits such as Employment Support Allowance and become real tax payers. They would no longer be stuck in a system which doesn't care for them. Stuck for decades, where they are then hospitalised at times of severe crisis.

Every beggar is a human being and needs support to stop begging. Every beggar wants to be part of society wants to be productive, has the loves, hates, desires and needs of any other human being. However some of these beggars are avoidable, some should not be in London in the first place, some have travelled hundreds of miles if not thousands to be here so they can stand on a cold pavement and take non taxed monies to support themselves and they have very little if any English skills.  They have no desire to integrate and view this country as no more than a pot of gold. Although it is probably no more than a pot of copper coins, those copper coins add up to a hell of a lot more than an Albanian or Romanian beggar would be able to get on their own streets. Streets where life is tougher, so why not make it easier and come to Britain? And they do, so now we are becoming the begging capital of the world. Or so it seems to me. Yet I am told by relatives who have gone abroad it is now the same in Italy, Spain and Greece. There is it seems no escape.

Monday, 5 December 2016

Nick Clegg gets a bollocking from Andrew Neill

It was wonderful to see Nick Clegg, the back stabbing Liberal who sold Britain down the swanny get a good public thrashing by Andrew Neill on the Sunday Politics programme. All I can say is he deserved it. No matter how much Neill put across how Clegg's view of a BREXIT actually meant staying in the EU as a full EU member Clegg denied it. You just can't help ask how far can this unscrupulous man back pedal to keep his job as an MP. As well as how the hell did Sheffield Hallam vote him back in? Because Clegg no matter what you think this country is a democracy and voted OUT. In a swipe at Clegg, Neill asked whether the Liberal Democrats would just change their name to Liberals. Clegg pretending he didn't understand what Neill meant, caught on eventually.

There is no doubt Clegg is an incredibly knowledgeable individual on the EU, however when he was put into the interview ring with a cerebral heavy weight like Neill he met his match in more ways than one. Still Clegg continues to blindly think his is right. It was clear from this interview Clegg will do everything he can to prevent the UK from coming out of Europe. His response was to say during the referendum the BREXIT campaign failed to issue a manifesto and by keeping their campaign vague they won votes. However, what Neill missed out on was saying the Liberal Democrats didn't put anything in the manifesto about getting in bed with the Tories in 2010 either. How can Clegg ask for a defined manifesto when the Liberals lied to the public by their own disgusting need to be in power. Clegg above all being the biggest liar and destroyer of a party which now considers the victory of Richmond and the addition of one more MP as significant. It's rumoured Clegg always knew the Liberal's early manifesto was unsustainable but never published his in his book. Further he is unrepentant of the loss of 45 Liberal MPs from his own party and thinks he was in the right. Clegg is suffering from the same self importance as his friend and dinner companion Cameron. It's the rich boy privileged boy phenomenon, where the rest of the voters kowtow down in worship to their inflated egos. There isn't a room big enough to hold them, and the two together no doubt must of had big problems when holding joint cabinet meetings. Which may well of been held at the Royal Albert Hall just so they could all sit around the table together.

The episode of Sunday Politics on 4th December 2016 seemed also to be car crash TV for Dianne Abbott who also later in the program came across as being cut from the same material as Clegg. Politics may well be going crazy but Andrew Neill has done an excellent job of brining them to heal. The only thing is it's a pity none of them have the decency to hold up their hands and beg forgiveness. Then again this is always difficult with idiots.

Sunday, 4 December 2016

Teresa May, oh dear in the news again

Sometimes it is funny to hear what happens in the very public world of politics. Especially in Britain where we now have yet another woman prime minister but this is one who was not voted in by the people. Not to say being a woman is a bad thing, although being a Tory could probably be considered to be a very bad thing as it engenders all those values of selfishness and arrogance the Tories seem to treasure more than their own bank balance. Good old Teresa May has now put her head up again over the parapet to get it swiped at by the press and the public. What indeed is she has done?

Firstly she has ratted out the civil service, emphasising it is not acceptable for there to be leaks in the government and anyone caught leaking will be sacked. Those poor civil servants I sure hope they get out at lunch time and find somewhere secretive to have a good pee because they clearly are not allowed to do it on the job. You would of thought there was a law against telling staff they can't urinate, but this is what happens to employment rights when the Tories take power. It wasn't long after TM made this announcement at a very private cabinet meeting it was then leaked to the press. So what does it say about the cabinet? It probably says they disagree with her, or someone disagrees with her to the extent they are not worried about losing their job. The someone being one of her own Ministers.  However, we as we all know is unlikely the axe will fall because the press have a good sense to keep their sources protected. Yep, there is always a man from the press with a long trench coat hiding the poor civil servant and minister who needs to take a leak. Thank Beelzebub for the press those nasty little creatures.

The BREXIT will be a topic of news for many years, this is always going to be on the agenda and will likely be in every episode of Question Time for the next few years as well. So my second item is BREXIT. TM like her cabinet colleagues feels the BREXIT should be acted upon, which is fine, the problem is how it is dealt with, and how TM & Co act. At the moment it is as though they have just one thought "out means out" this tells us absolutely nothing. My three year old beautiful princess J can tell me this when I've been naughty. Perhaps my mind has changed a little on the whole BREXIT issue because it is transparent Europe doesn't like Britain and wants to punish Britain for contemplating leaving their gang. TM and Phillip Hammond are showing their incredible ignorance when it comes to BREXIT and this factor is equally transparent to Europe so if Article 50 is engaged next March the Europeans will get their way in punishing us. They so want to torture the UK and put us in a tail spin, they want to see our economy drop and see a broken country. This makes me angry because they are acting like bullies. Yet TM and PH are falling straight into the trap. Europe is a bunch of 28 nations who don't all agree and are actually beginning to show the cracks, Europe is like a pop group which does well in the early days, makes a few hits and before it those big egos get inflated even more so differences of opinion mean friction and break up. It happens all the time and there is no difference with Europe. Although a bureaucratic administration of states it is not a set of states ruled by a megalomaniac Genghis Khan character. Countries which once wanted border-less boundaries are now putting up fences to stop immigration, yet in the same time they disagree the UK can not have access to the single market unless it allows free movement. Yes it sound like another visit to the toilet. Europe is constipated and is taking it out on Britain and May doesn't get it. She needs to shut up and not even speak on the issue of BREXIT for every word she says makes things worse. In my mind we do need to come out, but hell lets make it a slow negotiation process and bring them to their knees.

A third reason why TM is in the news but is not as pronounced as the first two, is for her support for faith schooling. It is an utter shame the Tories go down this route, but the reason is more than likely related not to religion but to costs. Let faith schools look after themselves, let them spout any ideology they wish and let them brainwash their children to be extremists in all faiths. Because then their education and the results of their education can not be down to Tory ineptitude. We all know young minds are susceptible to being moulded and shaped, and from young minds adults arise. In the guise of a Christian like religion TM also captures the future religious vote, she says the Tories respect your religion and therefore we are worthy of your vote more than any other party. It was the founding fathers of America who left out religion in the constitution. They wanted people to be free of prejudices and although a valid and worthy ideal, humans don't work that way. There will always be bias, but it is possible to have informed bias and logical thought. Which is something Socrates did his best to part to the people. Religion is a form of brain washing and the same choice of religion should be the same choice as goods in a supermarket, it should not be imposed on anyone until they are of age to be able to logically think and question the evidence or belief. As Andre Gide said "Believe those who are seeking the truth, doubt those who find it."

A continuing point of debate will be the UK's deficit.  In an earlier post I showed how each being young and old in the UK had a personal debt of approximately £25,000. TM and PH are not tackling this subject and are using the same arguments which came before. They are not able to move out of this mindset and what the UK needs now is a paradigm shift, one so fundamental we all view a personal responsibility to reduce the deficit, one so fundamental the value of money is secondary to the value of humanity and morality. Unfortunately the only whiff of a shift in view point comes from Jeremy Corbyn unfortunately he is an abysmal opposition leader. The party has not changed and my mind about him has now changed, everyone needs to be on board and he just doesn't get it. The UK is heading to bankruptcy and with every continuing Tory government and Labour government we just keep going down the same old road. There will be inevitable poverty and suffering for all of us as the Tories yet again break the NHS, break the Education system and break the people who have made this country what it is.

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Wake up Britain find out how much is your debt hole!

Politics is a wonderful, crazy, infuriating thing. Any adult who does not have an interest in politics is in my mind suffering from a self imposed lobotomy, probably done with a knitting needle in a back room while watching soap TV and not giving a care about the results but having a hell of a good moan about it when they don't have money in their pocket to pay for their next cup of tea. Consequently lets move onto the next biggest thing facing the lobotomised community of the UK, it's the budget deficit.

The UK has a budget deficit fact. But not a lot of people know that, fact. A lot of people understand the UK is in debt but they really don't fully grasp the notion of how much and how this really has an affect on them. It's those pesky lobotomisers again you might say and possibly be right. Further when the government talks of deficit the definition of deficit doesn't hit home either. To make it clear, the deficit is the total value of all debt the UK has. How much? Well, the UK debt mountain or rather the UK debt hole stands at 1.6 trillion British pounds. Again what does this mean, what does a trillion look like in numbers?  Everyone knows what a million is but do they appreciate the enormity of a trillion? Such is the question.  Well I checked it up and one trillion is:

Yes, it has twelve zeros added to it. So the UK debt is:


Yet in real terms it is 99.99% of the UK population still doesn't understand how much this is, the reason why is because it is not put into personal terms. So lets make it personal, lets make it very personal and imagine this debt was transferred to every single adult and child in the UK then what would the figure look like, per person? This means finding out the total population of the UK and then dividing it into this £1.6 trillion to give a personal debt level for each and every person.

The current population level as given by is today slightly over 65 million people i.e.

65,280,902 UK population

So here is the math:

£1,600,000,000,000 / 65,280,902 = £25,509

Consequently at this moment in time every man, woman and child owes £25,509 of debt and if they were to pay this up right away we'd no longer be in recession and have a zero balance sheet. We could get all the services we wanted provided we were willing to pay the appropriate tax levels which supplies those services. More generally that everybody in some way was willing to work. Which might be difficult for some groups of people, especially those who are frail, infirm, disabled etc. Lets say we now adjust this figure and be generous to state the population who are unable to work is probably about 20 million. This is a very rough guestimate figure and it may be wrong. So making this adjustment the new revised personal debt level of all those who are able to work and should be contributing to society changes to this adjusted math:

£1,600,000,000,000 / 45,280,902 = £35,335

So there we are! This is the real debt of those people who can work in the UK and should be working and should be paying in order to move the deficit into the black rather than it be settled in the red. Yet were Job Bloggs to be approached in the street he would not accept this debt. Yet at the same time he would take help if he went into a NHS hospital needing an operation. He'd walk on the paths, use the roads, sit and wait for the fire brigade to come if his home was burning down and then arrange support from social services to look after a frail relative needing extra care.

Wake up Britain you are responsible for your debts.

So what does the future hold? This is a tough question to answer, because the number of variables are infinite. No country is an island, although technically Britain is an Island, we are global machines of trade and commerce and as such are also affected by those nations around us. Individually, we could emigrate to Germany which is probably the richest nation in the world and get guaranteed health care and social support through the rest of our lives. This option is only available while in Europe and though joking has actually an element of realism to it.

There is a saying which goes along the lines of, if you keep going on the path you are then you will end up where you are heading. With this in mind the UK's future would suggest a catastrophic bankruptcy of the nation and of living standards. In a few decades it could mean only the rich can get health care, only the rich can be buried, only rich can afford comfortable living conditions because quite frankly the rest of us are fucked.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

BREXIT and the divorce of a nation

Divorces are ugly things, where partner is pitted against partner and it is not unusual for one parent or other to use their children in an emotional battle to hurt the other. Britain has voted out of the EU and the histrionics of those who can't-believe-it brigade write articles, imposed alleged learned interpretations of the law and hail general bombs of catastrophe around. Who needs an enemy of trade agreement when you have adults acting so petulantly one might ask. Now Teresa May and Jeremy Corbyn seem to be the only ones singing from the same hymn sheet. Odd when considering they are opposition party leaders. May has decided the MPs will not get a vote on this issue because the country has spoken and in all reality the voice was a majority exit. Corbyn was blamed by the in camp for not putting a more vigorous front in his wanting to stay in the EU. However, the public surmise no matter what he says he didn't want to stay in anyway although you'll not hear him say it. What should be asked is why an earth are we coming over as so inadequately prepared? The answer doesn't is all so apparent.

It was Osborne and Cameron's conniving and hubris of attitude which is has created the current chaos. Neither man prepared a plan B, because theirs was plan A and as far as they were concerned the public would listen, the public knew the importance of what they had to say and the public could be hoodwinked by the usual modus operandi of the two. Fear.

FEAR has ruled the Tory politics of this country now since 2010. Ed Milliband was not the man to lead the Labour election, his damp squid character and pallid jousts and PMQs have marked him as a rich man Labourite coming from a similar stable as Blair. A man who at first did give the impression of being inspirational, until he communed with Bush and they became bosom buddies. Blair whose time will be numbered until he can be put on trial for instigating a war which should never of taken place. Blair is the man who is ignorant of how disliked he is. He is up there with the late Maggie (mad cow) Thatcher. Fear is now what is permeating in those lost voters who can't believe the UK is coming out of the EU. Fear which may well have a tinge of justification. For the EU now will want to torment the UK and make it pay for being independent minded and not being part of their club. A club which is toxic to the likes of Spain, Greece, Italy and even France.

It is Fear Politics which now has the UK settled in an ever lasting austerity agenda. Public services being battered by central government tic-tact. Education at degree level has now moved to the point where young people will have a fifty thousand pound loan and high interest to pay it off. Education which should be free, for this is the thing which fights ignorance, this is the thing which allows social mobility and makes a country great. Only the rich will be able to afford education, such as the likes of Cameron had at Oxford University. It's odd because Cameron does not come across as a particularly gifted intellect. He had the opportunity given to him by his wealthy parents. So for the rest of the country, the poor and the working classes and even the middle classes, the UK will turn in a worse version of the USA. Ignorance and debt and payment of insurance for everything. If you have a broken foot make sure you have paid your health insurance because the ever forward push of privatising the NHS and closing down hospitals continues. A broken foot is not life threatening so you will just have to cope with it. And it was this same FEAR politics employed in telling the British public they must vote to stay in, it was Osborne who confessed there was no plan B. A man who just like Cameron comes across as a thicko who got where he is through given opportunity that can only come from the rich. A man who has never gone a day without food, until he decided to diet because his image as a porker in the public eye likely bashed his self esteem.

The shame is now the British public is tearing itself apart, it should of been made clear at the beginning whatever the outcome the vote would be respected and it everyone should reconcile behind the decision. We all know why the Cameron had the vote, because he could no longer control his own backbenchers or the staunch Tories who wanted out. However, there are no worries because he has done his best to sell the country's assets of and in the next term we'll see May decide on the continuation of a fiscal policy with an outcome designed to destroy the working and middle classes because only the rich classes should be allowed to walk the earth. Feck the rest.

Saturday, 13 August 2016

The death of a young fundamentalist

Not that long ago there was a news report of three teenage girls who had self radicalised into fundamentalist Islam and decided to take a trip to Raqa in Syria. Their plan was to become jihadi brides. As is normally the case ignorance prevailed over reason. The elegant advertising campaign through youtube and social media had attracted these girls to something they thought was a higher calling, something to be more important than their own lives. They had led sheltered lives at homes in East London. Where their parents no doubt loved them very much, however their parents were not going off and fighting wars in foreign countries. Why this did not occur to these young ladies is probably the beginning of the ignorance. The West has freedoms which are easily taken for granted and naivety doesn't account for the history of a country. Ignorance does not account for understanding the freedoms the UK has today is because of the wars which had taken place yesterday. The long struggles of the classes and the social and cultural development of the UK to tender away from the domination of religion. So it is we hear the news Kadiza Sultana has been killed in a Russian air strike on Deash (ISIS).

In a telephone discussion (filmed by ITV news) with her mother, this young lady can be heard saying the borders were closed and she would not escape through PKK territory. When listening to the tone of her voice is is of a silly little girl not understanding it is her life at stake.  Kadisha fled to Syria with two other girls and became disillusioned with life under Daesh. The reality of the situation made her change her mind.  This girl had been hoodwinked by propaganda videos, had she taken a 101 course in advertising or media studies at school she might of understood how media works. How advertisers get viewers to buy into their products. No doubt she had been sitting at home and effectively brain washed herself by watching this video pork pies (lies).

There will always be ignorance especially where there is religion. Religion of any kind loves the blind acceptance of faith and does not allow questioning. If there is one poison in the world more prevalent than any other it is religion. Sadly it is also the one which will never stop to encourage the death of humanity. The apologists will be out in numbers saying not all religion is like this and true believers are compassionate and believe in scripture in a gentle humanly way. Yet in doing so they ignore all the hate and death and ignorance their scriptures provide. They ignore how the dated text explains the creation of the world in date terms, terms which could only be applied at the very time those texts were created. And they certainly were created. Created by men not even women and then used to control them, which is exactly what has happened in the sad case of Kadisha Sultana.

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Good Riddance Cameron

It is great news Cameron has left number 10. He has been a divisive politician who enjoyed the quip of fear politics to get his way. Then with a little sprinkle of hundreds and thousands on top of the cake Osborne to has been sacked as chancellor.  Or rather the word Georgie put out was he resigned, but we know better.  His post was untenable, he could not of stayed in it for all the tea in China. Imagine how disappointed he must of felt finding not only had his mate left he'd lost his job as well. His austerity budgets have reduced the continuing budget deficit but he never sustained an equilibrium, so the debt continues upwards.

Every thing Cameron said could be guaranteed the opposite of what he meant. When he said child poverty was down it had actually increased; more money was being spent on the NHS but he was referring to actual money and not taking into account per head of population which has trended ever upwards.  Greater numbers of Hospitals have been closed under this government than any other ever, mental health services are so dire the most vulnerable in society are suffering enduring torture of and no help. When stating more people were in work, he mean fewer people were claiming Job Seekers Allowance and doing either zero hour contracts or in poverty as self employed. When the Tory's introduced a reduction in tax for the lowest wage earners it was because their coalition partner's the Liberal Democrats put it on the agenda.  We are living now in a time where the richest are amongst the super rich of the world and the difference is so great between the poor it is abhorrent. He espoused it pays to be in work and introduced the new (Pending Titanic disaster) of Universal Credits he then went on to engineer a developing change so these credits were much less generous and are so much now the old system of in work benefits are more generous. In the Tory manifesto and in person Camers stated migration would be brought down to tens of thousands and he used the cliché words "no ifs, no buts" and then migration it a high of 333,000 migrants.

Cameron's government has unequivocally been one of failure. He deserves to be where he is, on the back bench. Even this was a result of his own hubris belief a referendum would result in staying in the EU. Good riddance!

Sunday, 10 July 2016

Immigration it's now an open debate

The discussion about immigration is no longer an elephant in the room and rightly it is being examined in greater detail since the referendum. The reason for this is a sudden increase in hate crime. Unfortunately this has given those who voted 'remain' to then make the outlandish and false remark that BREXITERs are racists. It is again a gut reaction and there must be an English word for false accusations made by people who then want to justify their stance. A little like Cameron's exceptionally misleading comments on poverty or spending on the NHS, although in small part right they are also large part wrong. They are so misleading as to be lies. So accusing an out voter of being a racist is without foundation, especially when there were 17 million who did decide this way.

Those who voted out of the EU did so for multiple reasons and yes one of them is because of immigration. Something we all have a view on and we all have different experiences on. The first premise which must be made in such a circumstance is immigration has historically been a good thing for the UK. Perhaps in thirty years time from today we could look back and say the immigration here and now has also been a good thing. However, it may not feel this way at all at this moment in time. Not now, not if you happen to be a white working class or rather poverty class individual who can barely scrape enough together to make ends meet. At a time of forced austerity by a government which clearly does not care for the working classes and the poverty stricken.

Any vote by any BREXITER based primarily on the immigration issue is one of psychology. It is  based on the concept of scape goating and is all about opportunities and motivation. I recall growing up, having to attend secondary school in a class which had in excess of over thirty pupils. A class where for the most part it was supervised baby sitting. Learning is not conducive in such environments.  Today there is the example of a 28 year I know who got his first entry level job at the age of 23 and is still in the same entry level job. He gained a qualification which I could not recognise it's called BTEC.  He is afraid to leave his job because it took him a long time to get it. He has the potential to do better but didn't have the educational opportunity and was bought up in a poverty family situation.  It is the failure of opportunity of an individual's potential which then leads them to resigned poverty, institutionalised by a system which does not help. Of those young voters who voted out 25 percent did so.  This is not so minor a number for the Remainers to consider it insignificant. Yet they do and they like to think it was younger progressive people who voted to remain in the EU and not some of their own age who also voted out. Let us also consider it is entry level jobs which are being taken up by EEA national immigration to the extent there are real incidents of jobs being advertised in other EEA countries first before being advertised in the UK. There is something very wrong going on here.

My personal experience of immigration is based on things which happen every day in my life. Such as getting on a bus yesterday. Living in a part of London which years ago would of been considered the suburbs but now is probably just as much inner London as inner London can be.  There were fewer white English males on my bus than many other ethnic groupings. Even though the actual bus driver was a white English male, the people on the bus were of all mixed groupings. I certainly heard Polish being spoken, Turkish and then there were African's whose tongue I can not decipher, probably Nigerian but Africa is a continent with 49 countries in it. In probability I would say they were likely Nigerian because England now seems to be a place Nigerian's are coming, something I know as I have worked with many for many years. This daily bus ride is not a one off, it is a regular occurrence and it does feel that I am no longer a majority in my own country.

My BREXIT vote is something I will stand by, because indeed immigration has played a part in it. I don't see myself as a racist and treat people as I would like them to treat me. I understand the need for humanitarian protection for refugees, but I do not accept economic migration.  As with losing weight. Eating food is essential to live, but having too much is not good for your health.

The last year has seen the UK take in 333,000 migrants whereas 30 to 40 years ago this would of been in the tens of thousands. So tell me REMAINERs are these levels acceptable?

Twenty plus years ago I had a conversation with my Turkish neighbour, he'd had a quadruple heart bypass. He said he was is a specialist ward. While he was in hospital and waiting for his operation there had been an emergency and someone had jumped the que, the patients laying in beds were told they in turn would have a delay to their operations. He was bitter as he described what happened, another immigrant had been given priority. So it would seem there now immigrants to the UK who are in turn pissed off at yet further immigrants coming in after them. It is one of numbers and one of sustainability, but it is also one of political government and opportunity for all. Something Tories don't seem to give a damn about.

Saturday, 9 July 2016

MP Ian Austin needs to be deselected

It is funny to hear how Ian Austin is now starting to get a backlash to his comment of "shut up" while Corbyn was speaking on the Iraq war and Chilcot report. This comment, from a back bencher shouted out in parliament is crass to say the least. Does this idiot not understand what  image is portrayed in the media when there is open backstabbing? His comment only added fuel to the fire and oxygen to the Tory fear politics of belittling Labour. Perhaps Austin believes he wears a Teflon coat.  He  has been a Labour MP for Dudley North since 2005 so has been an incumbent for 11 years. In the early years Austin was a political advisor Gordon Brown, now if there was any wrong advice to be given good old Brown certainly took it. Austin's advice was so good Gordon collapsed at the general election.

So what is it Ian Austin wants to say? He says to quote him directly here is his comment from twitter:

Immediately on reading this a bit of head shaking takes place. Jeremy Corbyn has considered his subjects in pretty complex detail. He voted against going into Iraq, he wants nuclear disarmament he wants equal rights for all workers, education and high tech skills. The nuclear deterrent is a completely contentious issue, for ultimately nuclear weapons can never be used yet the billions of pounds spent on them is money which could of been spent on education, housing the NHS the safety and security of food, employment etc. There is exceptionally good reason for abandonment of this weaponry. As a union negotiator he has helped ordinary common people in their oppression by employers, he has repeatedly said austerity does not work and it has led us to an even bigger financial deficit than the history of financial deficits in the UK. And only this week Corbyn raised the inequality of investment in the North East of England against the 40 times greater investment in London infrastructure.

It seems not to have been considered by Austin that the largest growing membership of any political party (Labour) is down to Corbyn and just perhaps it is not Corbyn who has got it wrong but the mass of Labour MPs who seem to be reflecting anything but Labour core values. Today Corbyn will be giving a talk to 150,000 delegates and those MPs who were to join him on the podium had their passes rescinded. Corbyn has lead not just a main stream party but the entire Labour movement. As an opposition to Cameron he has not engaged in school ground spats or character assassination or the fear politics which is how Tories control their minions. He has always asked relevant pertinent questions and his respectfulness has shown him to be a true leader. Corbyn goes out of his way to attend as many functions and gatherings as possible he is a tireless persistent advocate who always looks to support the people.

Austin has it wrong as do many other Labour MPs, it is the people of the UK who have gone out of their way to join the Labour party. It is common working class individuals who want this country back and want it fair. They have had enough of giving all their money to utility companies, landlords and travelling costs in the desperate plight to find work. It is only through an equal society the whole of the UK can be prosperous. For it is the working classes who are likely to spend their money on the goods this country used to make but no longer make. It is rehtorical to think because employment is the highest it has ever been we are in a better economy. When those jobs are zero hour contracts and some workers have no work because employers don't give them a phone call to come in. What is wrong with Labour MPs why are they not backing Corbyn? Do they not understand the roots of the Labour party? And why do they publicly tear the party apart when they should be standing by Corbyn standing by the leader of the party.

Ian Austin's behaviour as an MP towards his own leader in the most public of forums is just as worse as Ian Cameron's behaviour. It was a complete disgrace and yet another stab into the heart of Labour from it's own representative. I have no doubt this man should be de-selected as soon as possible and a no vote of confidence in him as an MP made. If Dudley North like him that much then he should stand as an independent for he is not worthy of carrying the Labour banner. Now Labour needs to say "shut up" to Austin you are no longer one of us.

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Labour MPs have it wrong, BACK UP Corbyn ya wee shites

The working class British people have voted for Jeremy Corbyn however, MPs who should be representing their Labour constituencies and the working classes.  Their secret ballot resulted in a vote of 125 to 40 of no confidence in Corbyn.  It had to be secret because it is likely a lot of constituents would be contacting their MPs and making their thoughts known. This vote is no doubt an act of cowards who can only let their view out by secrecy. Therefore the question is do they represent the supporters and should they remain MPs?

Going by the sentiment of Labour party members, Labour MPs have completely lost the plot.  Since Corbyn has been leader has member has increased to 300,000 people. The biggest number of supporters ever of any political party.  Corbyn actually does speak for the people his values on social justice and reform are on a par with Labour supporters. Yes he has socialist views, he does not share the same views as any of the recent Labour PMs. He is not an individual who seeks to take the middle road and woo voters from other political parties he is a person who has moral values and sticks to them. He does not believe money wasted on nuclear weapons which can never be used should continue being wasted. He does not believe austerity works and it is clear from the years we have been in austerity not a single surplus pound has been clawed back. Which of course is a judgement against the current government as much as a moral and political view. Effectively what has happened is a complete split in reality of Labour MPs against labour supporters.

It is the Labour party which chooses candidates for elections. Officially another election is not due for 4 years, if however by some quirk a Tory PM were to allow another election then these same Labour MPs may well find they are not supported by their Labour constituencies and are made redundant. They are without doubt pushing their luck.  This is something Tessa Jowell would disagree with she thinks MPs are reflecting members view. However, if they were then surely they would not feely they are being harrassed by Labour party members. There is a discord here between reality and what is in the minds of MPs.

At this moment in time there is a greater need for Labour to bind together and support their leader. This is why members are annoyed and possible aggressive to their MPs, because they feel MPs are not supporting the one person they should be. They are not singing from the same hymn sheet and at this very time Labour should be dominating parliament. But the in fighting is tearing Labour apart. As for Angela Eagle as a potential candidate this is laughable. Her squeaky voice and public disagreement with party policy, like the disgraceful Hillary Benn another traitor to the views of his father is disgusting. Both individuals have done more to create a rift in the Labour party than any PMQs and bullying from Cameron. They need some very deep reflection on their actions.

Labour MPs get your act together or ship out for if you are not with us then you are against us and shouldn't be allowed the privilege of taking a seat in parliament.

Saturday, 4 June 2016

The argument for BREXIT

The media seems to be biased towards the UK remaining in the EU, but worse than this the remainers are equally not considering the arguments for leaving. The population of the UK has become polarised. And the undecided voters complain they don't have enough facts and that both sides are fear mongering. Well to be truthful it is a pretty fearful event in either case.

  • There have been more migrants to the UK in the past 5 years than there have been in the last 1500 years.
  • The EU is ran by an unelected set of bureaucrats who now go beyond the free trade agreement which was it's original purpose.
  • Countries like Greece and Spain are unable to leave the EU and are now tied to a perpetual recession. They cannot control their own currency and they have to constantly request EU loans in a vicious cycle of borrowing just to survive.
  • The borders of many EU countries are now being lined with fences to impede the travel of migrants when they should in theory be border-less.
  • The EU has shown less economic growth than the UK and most of the world.
  • The UK has now become a magnet to EEA nationals economic migration with the last year there being a net migration of 333,000 people.
  •  Of job vacancies in the UK a larger percentage (some say 85 %) is taken up by EEA nationals.
  •  Entry level jobs are being snatched up inevitably by EEA nationals.
  •  The official migration statistics do not differentiate the EEA nationals who were originally refugees from other countries outside of the EEA.
  • There are currently 6,000 EEA migrants who have committed crimes in the UK, spent time in UK prison and have not returned to their own countries as required.
  • There is not insurance the UK rebate will continue.
  • The UK gets back only 50% of the funds it puts into the EU, this deficit is between 8 and ten billion pounds.
  • The EU export more to the UK than the UK exports to the EU.
  • The housing crisis in the UK and the escalating over inflationary value of properties as investment vehicles will ensure fewer people can buy their own. With a government that believes in austerity this country is now in a place it cannot break free.
  • The EU is negotiating the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) deal behind closed doors with no nation getting public access to exactly what is on offer.
  • The EU did nothing to prevent the dumping of cheap Chinese steel to Europe and the decimation of Britain's steel industry.
  • Spanish, Greek and other EU fishing vessels now fish of the coast of Britain devastating fish stock which British trawlers are restricted to catch.
  • Turkey has been given the carrot of joining the EU with a set of conditions making it unlikely to ever happen, so how long will it take Turkey to realise they have become the lackey servant to the EU? 
  • In the possible event of the UK remaining in the EU, the nations of the EU will retaliate against the UK even considering a referendum out. 
  • There are 28 counties in the EU with a further 5 about to enter, and we all know the bigger the group, the less likely consensus agreement, the greater corruption and fraud.
  • Fact the EU is a titanic and when it begins to sink it will take everyone with it.

Leaving the EU is part of the solution it is not the only solution, but it is an important part. Followed by removing a lying government which created a manifesto it could never achieve in order to be in power. And finding an out of the box longer term solution to create a stable economy.

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Dr Helen Winter and her disgrace to clinical psychology

It is sad to see a national news item about the shortcomings of a psychologist, a profession I hold close to heart. In this instance it may well of been a quiet news days to the papers had to fill column widths however they most certainly got a kick out of delivering the news. Dr Helen Winter took a recreational drug (MDMA) on 24.01.2014 at a club in Vaxhaul.  She also offered it to patients who were under her care. This woman had been working at the now closed down charity called Kids Company. Which is a charity I also very nearly donated money, but didn't.  A charity which had done great good while it was open for the people of East London and especially for under privileged children.

Becoming a clinical psychologist is a long and hard road to take, the opportunities are rare and fearsomely fort over.  Places are exceptionally low and unless you are dedicated to the highest level of giving up everything else in your life it will not happen.  It often would mean living on loans and low wages for many years, before gaining qualification. Dr Helen Winter has in this respect disgraced the profession of psychology and she has exceptionally let herself down. I can't express adequately how this woman is living the dream of any budding clinical psychologist and how esteemed a role her vocational choice has been. Since Kids Company closed her skills were used by East London Foundation NHS Trust as she works with teenage children. So perhaps it is also pertinent to ask given her fondness for drugs as a leisure pursuit should she still be allowed to work with kids?

Perhaps this article which has been elaborated more in such news papers as the Daily Mail, Sun and the Mirror is about being human and making a mistake. Unfortunately many would be clinical psychologists who never got the opportunities Dr Winter had would never have the chance to make such a mistake and possible not be so stupid as to make it.  She is at fault and she should receive a punishment suitable to her err.

Sunday, 31 January 2016

The big G sucking taxes to Bermuda

The biggest search engine in the world is Google, and it is this company who are sucking the lifeblood out of the UK. They do this by taking business from here and not paying their tax. In a wonderful sweetheart deal with HMRC they only pay £130 million in backdated tax.  This company should not be allowed to do business in the UK. It should be fined to the hilt for tax avoidance. By this I mean the real understanding of why tax is in place. It is clear from the financial instruments in place they are able to move money around and classify it as something else. So why is the UK government also lobbying to protect Google's tax haven in Bermuda.

In watching an interview on the Andrew Marr Show, 31.01.2016. Marr interviews Peter Barron and asked him some questions about the tax the G had paid. When watching this man be interviewed there were two things which came to mind. Firstly Marr is a crap interviewer and is afraid of asking difficult questions and pursuing them like a pit-ball. The politicians must love him because it is a chance to self publicise. Secondly there was no way this man could answer any questions and he was not the CEO who should of been fielding questions about dodgy tax deals. It was clearly very early this interview would be a white wash of excuses and so it was. Peter Barron by being interviewed was putting his head on the block, for if he did come out of this interview poorly he would be sacked from a lucrative job. He came out of it, but with only a few scratches and not a savaging which he should of had. He could not say how much profit google had made, he avoided such questions by diverting his answers to how the UK tax system works. As if we need an explanation for this. What we needed was an explanation about google. Why don't google pay their fair taxes on the actual profit they make? Why do they use financial instruments in order to dodge paying taxes? Why are they building at enormous expense 3 buildings in London. The pictures of one such building were advertised in the Telegraph.  See here the luxury green velour room where employees can sit and think. A room which was obviously funded from profits, but for such profits to be spent in this way on this building certainly does mean google is avoiding paying their fair tax.

There has to be no doubt in anyone's mind this sweetheart deal google has made is costing the tax payer money. For unpaid tax means less spent on education, the NHS and the emergency services to say the least. Not even considering how tax is also distributed to local authorities so they can provide the services real people use every day in the boroughs they live in. The UK government should be utterly ashamed of how it has conducted itself, it is Tory led ministers who have pushed and accepted this deal from the HMRC, it is George Osborne who is responsible for accepting it and his fellow cabinet members who have failed to stand up for the country who voted them into power in the first place.

Shame on google and shame on this Tory government.

Saturday, 30 January 2016

Google is it a conniving, nasty, self-important, tax dodging company?

Conniving most certainly and a lot of people are bound to say Yes.  For there cannot be a single fair tax paying person in the UK who is now spitting feathers knowing how Google has fleeced the country of paying a fair tax on it's profits. The tax paid has been estimated at a mere 3 percent. This is a company which is multinational and makes billions in GBP each year. By not paying a fair tax it is depriving this country of money which would of been paid towards, hospitals, nurses, doctors, GPs, roads, fire engines, lighting, education, welfare services, welfare funding and hundreds if not thousands of other such items tax helps to support and pay for. Google by not paying an appropriate and fair tax are shafting the British people and then doing it again and again every single year.

It was HMRC who investigated Google and it was on authority of George Osborne the deal was accepted. This company has a direct line to the law makers of this country and this is inappropriate on many levels. The G made £4.6 billion of sales which went through Ireland over the last year, in consideration this is a company which deals mostly in intellectual property as a business and advertising the amount of actual profit on this is likely to be a large proportion.  Lets say at least £2 Billion. The HMRC however has asked them to pay up a mere £130 million. Now although the press say G has paid 3 percent, it seems likely even a this figure is high in estimation. The G and many other tech companies will say they pay the tax they owe. This is because they use financial witchcraft such as the double Irish and the Dutch sandwich, real money is now not real it is electronic and highly mobile, so it is transferred in an instance anywhere around the world. The notion of fairness has no play in the world of tax.  Yet it is the normal indigenous populations of countries who pay fair taxes, the workers and the small to medium size businesses. But the supersize buinesses don't, they have no moral compass or compassion. They live off the money they get from those who use their services then throw that money around in a smokescreen so it never gets returned back to the original purchasers through tax. It has been suckered out of the economy like a parasite withdraws blood and never gives back to the host. This is what high tech companies like G have become.

The answer then is not to use their businesses, their services or anything to do with them. To find an alternative because out there in the world there are alternatives. When their business models begin to fail then they may start to ask why. Technology can be moved around and there is always another company who can do the same thing. Personally I am now making a point of changing my default search engine. If G is going to screw my country I am not going to participate in helping them.