- There have been more migrants to the UK in the past 5 years than there have been in the last 1500 years.
- The EU is ran by an unelected set of bureaucrats who now go beyond the free trade agreement which was it's original purpose.
- Countries like Greece and Spain are unable to leave the EU and are now tied to a perpetual recession. They cannot control their own currency and they have to constantly request EU loans in a vicious cycle of borrowing just to survive.
- The borders of many EU countries are now being lined with fences to impede the travel of migrants when they should in theory be border-less.
- The EU has shown less economic growth than the UK and most of the world.
- The UK has now become a magnet to EEA nationals economic migration with the last year there being a net migration of 333,000 people.
- Of job vacancies in the UK a larger percentage (some say 85 %) is taken up by EEA nationals.
- Entry level jobs are being snatched up inevitably by EEA nationals.
- The official migration statistics do not differentiate the EEA nationals who were originally refugees from other countries outside of the EEA.
- There are currently 6,000 EEA migrants who have committed crimes in the UK, spent time in UK prison and have not returned to their own countries as required.
- There is not insurance the UK rebate will continue.
- The UK gets back only 50% of the funds it puts into the EU, this deficit is between 8 and ten billion pounds.
- The EU export more to the UK than the UK exports to the EU.
- The housing crisis in the UK and the escalating over inflationary value of properties as investment vehicles will ensure fewer people can buy their own. With a government that believes in austerity this country is now in a place it cannot break free.
- The EU is negotiating the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) deal behind closed doors with no nation getting public access to exactly what is on offer.
- The EU did nothing to prevent the dumping of cheap Chinese steel to Europe and the decimation of Britain's steel industry.
- Spanish, Greek and other EU fishing vessels now fish of the coast of Britain devastating fish stock which British trawlers are restricted to catch.
- Turkey has been given the carrot of joining the EU with a set of conditions making it unlikely to ever happen, so how long will it take Turkey to realise they have become the lackey servant to the EU?
- In the possible event of the UK remaining in the EU, the nations of the EU will retaliate against the UK even considering a referendum out.
- There are 28 counties in the EU with a further 5 about to enter, and we all know the bigger the group, the less likely consensus agreement, the greater corruption and fraud.
- Fact the EU is a titanic and when it begins to sink it will take everyone with it.
Leaving the EU is part of the solution it is not the only solution, but it is an important part. Followed by removing a lying government which created a manifesto it could never achieve in order to be in power. And finding an out of the box longer term solution to create a stable economy.
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