Saturday, 9 July 2016

MP Ian Austin needs to be deselected

It is funny to hear how Ian Austin is now starting to get a backlash to his comment of "shut up" while Corbyn was speaking on the Iraq war and Chilcot report. This comment, from a back bencher shouted out in parliament is crass to say the least. Does this idiot not understand what  image is portrayed in the media when there is open backstabbing? His comment only added fuel to the fire and oxygen to the Tory fear politics of belittling Labour. Perhaps Austin believes he wears a Teflon coat.  He  has been a Labour MP for Dudley North since 2005 so has been an incumbent for 11 years. In the early years Austin was a political advisor Gordon Brown, now if there was any wrong advice to be given good old Brown certainly took it. Austin's advice was so good Gordon collapsed at the general election.

So what is it Ian Austin wants to say? He says to quote him directly here is his comment from twitter:

Immediately on reading this a bit of head shaking takes place. Jeremy Corbyn has considered his subjects in pretty complex detail. He voted against going into Iraq, he wants nuclear disarmament he wants equal rights for all workers, education and high tech skills. The nuclear deterrent is a completely contentious issue, for ultimately nuclear weapons can never be used yet the billions of pounds spent on them is money which could of been spent on education, housing the NHS the safety and security of food, employment etc. There is exceptionally good reason for abandonment of this weaponry. As a union negotiator he has helped ordinary common people in their oppression by employers, he has repeatedly said austerity does not work and it has led us to an even bigger financial deficit than the history of financial deficits in the UK. And only this week Corbyn raised the inequality of investment in the North East of England against the 40 times greater investment in London infrastructure.

It seems not to have been considered by Austin that the largest growing membership of any political party (Labour) is down to Corbyn and just perhaps it is not Corbyn who has got it wrong but the mass of Labour MPs who seem to be reflecting anything but Labour core values. Today Corbyn will be giving a talk to 150,000 delegates and those MPs who were to join him on the podium had their passes rescinded. Corbyn has lead not just a main stream party but the entire Labour movement. As an opposition to Cameron he has not engaged in school ground spats or character assassination or the fear politics which is how Tories control their minions. He has always asked relevant pertinent questions and his respectfulness has shown him to be a true leader. Corbyn goes out of his way to attend as many functions and gatherings as possible he is a tireless persistent advocate who always looks to support the people.

Austin has it wrong as do many other Labour MPs, it is the people of the UK who have gone out of their way to join the Labour party. It is common working class individuals who want this country back and want it fair. They have had enough of giving all their money to utility companies, landlords and travelling costs in the desperate plight to find work. It is only through an equal society the whole of the UK can be prosperous. For it is the working classes who are likely to spend their money on the goods this country used to make but no longer make. It is rehtorical to think because employment is the highest it has ever been we are in a better economy. When those jobs are zero hour contracts and some workers have no work because employers don't give them a phone call to come in. What is wrong with Labour MPs why are they not backing Corbyn? Do they not understand the roots of the Labour party? And why do they publicly tear the party apart when they should be standing by Corbyn standing by the leader of the party.

Ian Austin's behaviour as an MP towards his own leader in the most public of forums is just as worse as Ian Cameron's behaviour. It was a complete disgrace and yet another stab into the heart of Labour from it's own representative. I have no doubt this man should be de-selected as soon as possible and a no vote of confidence in him as an MP made. If Dudley North like him that much then he should stand as an independent for he is not worthy of carrying the Labour banner. Now Labour needs to say "shut up" to Austin you are no longer one of us.

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