Conniving most certainly and a lot of people are bound to say Yes. For there cannot be a single fair tax paying person in the UK who is now spitting feathers knowing how Google has fleeced the country of paying a fair tax on it's profits. The tax paid has been estimated at a mere 3 percent. This is a company which is multinational and makes billions in GBP each year. By not paying a fair tax it is depriving this country of money which would of been paid towards, hospitals, nurses, doctors, GPs, roads, fire engines, lighting, education, welfare services, welfare funding and hundreds if not thousands of other such items tax helps to support and pay for. Google by not paying an appropriate and fair tax are shafting the British people and then doing it again and again every single year.
It was HMRC who investigated Google and it was on authority of George Osborne the deal was accepted. This company has a direct line to the law makers of this country and this is inappropriate on many levels. The G made £4.6 billion of sales which went through Ireland over the last year, in consideration this is a company which deals mostly in intellectual property as a business and advertising the amount of actual profit on this is likely to be a large proportion. Lets say at least £2 Billion. The HMRC however has asked them to pay up a mere £130 million. Now although the press say G has paid 3 percent, it seems likely even a this figure is high in estimation. The G and many other tech companies will say they pay the tax they owe. This is because they use financial witchcraft such as the double Irish and the Dutch sandwich, real money is now not real it is electronic and highly mobile, so it is transferred in an instance anywhere around the world. The notion of fairness has no play in the world of tax. Yet it is the normal indigenous populations of countries who pay fair taxes, the workers and the small to medium size businesses. But the supersize buinesses don't, they have no moral compass or compassion. They live off the money they get from those who use their services then throw that money around in a smokescreen so it never gets returned back to the original purchasers through tax. It has been suckered out of the economy like a parasite withdraws blood and never gives back to the host. This is what high tech companies like G have become.
The answer then is not to use their businesses, their services or anything to do with them. To find an alternative because out there in the world there are alternatives. When their business models begin to fail then they may start to ask why. Technology can be moved around and there is always another company who can do the same thing. Personally I am now making a point of changing my default search engine. If G is going to screw my country I am not going to participate in helping them.
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