The discussion about immigration is no longer an elephant in the room and rightly it is being examined in greater detail since the referendum. The reason for this is a sudden increase in hate crime. Unfortunately this has given those who voted 'remain' to then make the outlandish and false remark that BREXITERs are racists. It is again a gut reaction and there must be an English word for false accusations made by people who then want to justify their stance. A little like Cameron's exceptionally misleading comments on poverty or spending on the NHS, although in small part right they are also large part wrong. They are so misleading as to be lies. So accusing an out voter of being a racist is without foundation, especially when there were 17 million who did decide this way.
Those who voted out of the EU did so for multiple reasons and yes one of them is because of immigration. Something we all have a view on and we all have different experiences on. The first premise which must be made in such a circumstance is immigration has historically been a good thing for the UK. Perhaps in thirty years time from today we could look back and say the immigration here and now has also been a good thing. However, it may not feel this way at all at this moment in time. Not now, not if you happen to be a white working class or rather poverty class individual who can barely scrape enough together to make ends meet. At a time of forced austerity by a government which clearly does not care for the working classes and the poverty stricken.
Any vote by any BREXITER based primarily on the immigration issue is one of psychology. It is based on the concept of scape goating and is all about opportunities and motivation. I recall growing up, having to attend secondary school in a class which had in excess of over thirty pupils. A class where for the most part it was supervised baby sitting. Learning is not conducive in such environments. Today there is the example of a 28 year I know who got his first entry level job at the age of 23 and is still in the same entry level job. He gained a qualification which I could not recognise it's called BTEC. He is afraid to leave his job because it took him a long time to get it. He has the potential to do better but didn't have the educational opportunity and was bought up in a poverty family situation. It is the failure of opportunity of an individual's potential which then leads them to resigned poverty, institutionalised by a system which does not help. Of those young voters who voted out 25 percent did so. This is not so minor a number for the Remainers to consider it insignificant. Yet they do and they like to think it was younger progressive people who voted to remain in the EU and not some of their own age who also voted out. Let us also consider it is entry level jobs which are being taken up by EEA national immigration to the extent there are real incidents of jobs being advertised in other EEA countries first before being advertised in the UK. There is something very wrong going on here.
My personal experience of immigration is based on things which happen every day in my life. Such as getting on a bus yesterday. Living in a part of London which years ago would of been considered the suburbs but now is probably just as much inner London as inner London can be. There were fewer white English males on my bus than many other ethnic groupings. Even though the actual bus driver was a white English male, the people on the bus were of all mixed groupings. I certainly heard Polish being spoken, Turkish and then there were African's whose tongue I can not decipher, probably Nigerian but Africa is a continent with 49 countries in it. In probability I would say they were likely Nigerian because England now seems to be a place Nigerian's are coming, something I know as I have worked with many for many years. This daily bus ride is not a one off, it is a regular occurrence and it does feel that I am no longer a majority in my own country.
My BREXIT vote is something I will stand by, because indeed immigration has played a part in it. I don't see myself as a racist and treat people as I would like them to treat me. I understand the need for humanitarian protection for refugees, but I do not accept economic migration. As with losing weight. Eating food is essential to live, but having too much is not good for your health.
The last year has seen the UK take in 333,000 migrants whereas 30 to 40 years ago this would of been in the tens of thousands. So tell me REMAINERs are these levels acceptable?
Twenty plus years ago I had a conversation with my Turkish neighbour, he'd had a quadruple heart bypass. He said he was is a specialist ward. While he was in hospital and waiting for his operation there had been an emergency and someone had jumped the que, the patients laying in beds were told they in turn would have a delay to their operations. He was bitter as he described what happened, another immigrant had been given priority. So it would seem there now immigrants to the UK who are in turn pissed off at yet further immigrants coming in after them. It is one of numbers and one of sustainability, but it is also one of political government and opportunity for all. Something Tories don't seem to give a damn about.
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