For the second time in two years, an election lays at our doorstep. The disaster of the 2015 election had meant yet another five years of Tory rule, but if this one is also won by the Tories it will guarantee their power tenure will stretch to 12 years in total. Given the outcome of the last election I have absolutely no idea what is going to happen and a deep seated dread hangs over my head. The dread is there are more Tory voters out there than any other party, the result possibly being another win and the utter and complete decimation of the UK. I do not say this lightly. With a deficit now at 1.7 Trillion pounds in total and the mantra of what is good for business and the economy is good for the UK actually being a oxymoron. It's true we need to make the UK a productive country, one which makes goods and in doing so also employs people. The two do go hand in hand. Yet the realities of a Tory government have been to improve unskilled employment pool by reducing wages and increasing the selection and devaluing those who do have skills. It's been done by the deliberate run down of the welfare system under the guise of encouragement to work, when what it really is, is blackmail into work scenario. As job seekers are made to sign a commitment to look for work and are expected to collect evidence they are actively seeking work in order to continue getting benefits. As for the disabled, the gradual erosion of employment support allowance and adherence to work capability interviews. Which are interviews designed in such a way to remove claimants off disability benefits by a senseless point based system which checks whether they are able to do the most menial of actions and concludes the claimant is able to work. The future could be the entrenched continuation of this process which does nothing but keep politicians and bureaucrats in jobs.
Pensioners have been saved by the triple lock. It is the vote buyer, if pensioners are kept sweet they will vote, the funny thing is the pensioners do vote for Tories and have helped keep them in power. Just as have those who have been fed the lies of scape goating migrants as parasites to the welfare system. It's completely untrue. A more salient reason the UK has been kept in this prolonged depression is the failure to leash the big businesses. The businesses which make millions if not billions and yet don't pay taxes or contribute to the UK. For example Thames Water, which used to belong to us all and was then sold off has paid it's share holders £1.16 billion in dividends between 2006 and 2015. Yet the tax contributions from this company indicate multiple years where they pay no corporation tax. So the large refugee family living in two houses with no one working and getting state handouts are put on the front page of the tabloids, yet the monies paid to them are less than dandruff on the shoulders of fat cat executives at Thames Water. If histrionics come into it, were the tabloids to run a front page on how much lost tax from big corporations could pay towards schools, hospitals and welfare then perhaps the voters would understand more why Tory leadership is literally killing this nation. Whether pensioners or the misinformed working classes catch onto this and understand they have been hoodwkinked by a dead cat thrown on the table is another thing.
I once read a Greek philosopher considered the common people should not be given the right to vote in politics. His argument was they were not educated enough or understanding enough of the political systems. They were swayed far too easily by emotional argument. On the face of it this seems true, especially when I look around me at the political literacy of colleagues at work, some have near to no understanding of politics. And for the politicians this is wonderful, they love ignorance because they then don't have to face difficult and uncomfortable questions. Imagine what the country would be like if every single voter had at least a A'level in politics. Then were to yet again listen to politicians and repeatedly ask themselves why am I being fed bull shit, why is this politician avoiding giving a straight answer, what exactly are they saying? I necessary condition every listener should have is to firstly listen with scepticism, examine realities, question every statistic quoted by drilling into it and examine every denigrating remark against opposition politicians because this is usually a method of throwing the voter off the scent. Knowledge is and always will be the great leveller but it requires study and effort and our current government dislikes it very much when voters get a mind of their own.
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