Saturday, 29 June 2013

Making the poor even poorer

The Tory government as always proves it is in government for the rich.  They vilify those who get welfare benefits, picking on a few extreme examples to stir up scape goat feelings against all the poor. They have hit Tax Credit payments and so reduced the income for 70 per cent of working families. The minimum wage is still kept excessively low and has not increased in line with real inflation. It is now considered lower than a living wage, the minimum wage is in fact a pauper's wage and less. The Tory party have been careful not to anger pensioners and kept their welfare benefits and incomes sacrosanct. There is good reason this has happened as it a fact pensioners vote more than any other part of the nation. However, there are rich pensioners who claim benefits they don't need to actually receive. Just as there are pensioners who have not contributed to society by working their entire lives. Just as there are people quite capable to work who have chosen not to work and continue to receive benefits.

If the UK continues on this course there are some inevitable consequences.  The poor will continue to get poorer. Crime will increase, the toll on the NHS will get higher, state pensions, state welfare, state education and income will all reduce. The deficit we are told is going down, but the word "deficit" is used to describe the amount of money still being lent by the UK to survive.  The future fuel energy costs of the UK will increase as there is no sustainable plan to encourage green energy. In winter people will die in their homes because they are unable to heat them. The building projects of the future do not exist.  The UK needs homes. So those who own property will see the values increase but will not be able to move home because the costs of a new home would be too high. Proportionately fewer and fewer new mortgages will be taken up. Over crowding in properties will increase. Landlord's will maximise the income of properties by illegally converting them or building sheds in gardens. Ghettos will grow and gentrification of the better places will increase. Society is gradually becoming segregated by choice and poverty.

Here is a fact. Poor people spend more money than rich people do. Poor people have no choice, because they are poor the proportionately spend higher amounts. This in turn goes back into the economy instantaneously. It is the poor who create liquidity, not the rich. Yet this is not recognised. Certainly not by the Tory's.  The future is very bleak if another term of Tory takes the ballot box. Given the hubris of the entire present cabinet I cross my fingers and truly hope they don't.

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