The American constitution (second amendment) gives citizens of this great country to right to bare arms. On examining this constitution I can see it has a moral and social equality and how it unifies the people. It is something American's consider with pride and is like apple pie, a very important part of their identity. Beyond words. But the constitution is old, it is out of date. It reflects a time and place when having a fire arm was necessary to survival. So today, it is quiet obviously a redundant feature. You don't need a gun to protect yourself, but you do need a gun to kill. So in this notion of freedom Americans now have a right to not just possess a weapon but for any American to possess a weapon and for them in turn to take the life of another.
Connecticut, Newtown, Sandy Hook Elementary School. A twenty year old young man (Adam Lanza).,disaffected with life, possibly having a mental illness and most certainly emotional instability kills 20 children and 6 teachers. After which he sets the gun on himself and kills himself. He had the right to bare arms, he had the right to protect himself, he did not have the right to kill innocent young children. Children whose parents had probably already bought them Christmas presents. Presents which will now lay unopened for eternity. Children who no longer have the right to life because it has been taken away from them. They will in turn not have their own children, not know what it is like to have their first boyfriend or girlfriend. Now their mothers and fathers will mourn them and wonder if America is such a great country after all. However, if by some chance their parents don't the rest of the world certainly do. It doesn't take much reason to understand, the unavailability of firearms therefore makes it more difficult to quickly kill another individual. If someone is intent on murder there is nothing to stop them. Yet, if they are murderous emotionally unable to control their own feelings or understand them then a firearm gives them the ability to quickly kill and not to consider the consequences of their actions while they are happening.
God bless America, the right to bare arms and the right to kill indiscriminately when an unhinged mind is behind the firearm. The world looks on you and knows, something is wrong, very wrong. The world can see this time and time again. Columbine High School in Littleton America also comes to mind. In the UK such a right does not exist. The number of firearms used in killings is far less per capita. We do have firearms but they simply are not readily available. There are not gun shops scattered all over the place and there is very strict licensing. We don't have it right, but it is better. To this extent we value life. Whereas the right to bare arms removes the right of life.
America get it right, do something. The gun lobby isn't the only lobby, a school in Newtown Connecticut has a viewpoint worthy to challenge any. Sadly though, it will all happen again, because nothing will change.
Some things defy belief, because of their stupidity, arrogance and evilness. Things which in another universe might be stopped before happening. It would be good to hope one day all would change, adverse human behaviour will always cross boundaries and disappoint or harm others.
Saturday, 15 December 2012
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Shame on University Hospital Wales
The care which nurses now provide in NHS hospitals is coming under scrutiny. Time and time again stories arise how nurses fail to care for patients. This does not apply to all nurses it applies to some, the some who have no compassion for the people they actually look after. Caring for another individual when they're sick is a huge responsibility. To do it correctly includes having all those human attributes which historically have been associated with good nursing. But now it seems these nurses are failing the patients, not giving them water when they are thirsty, cleaning them when they are soiled or making the last moments of life dignified and comfortable. The fact is, these nurses should not be doing the job. They should be sacked. It's simple. Unfortunately the only conclusion I can come to is they are protected by the Hospitals they work in and by their colleagues who believe it is loyal to support one of your own staff.
An example of disgraceful nursing care has just come from MP Ann Clywd. Her husband was terminally ill at University Hospital in Wales. She has spoken about her experience and her husband's death on national radio. If there are any rational spokespersons on behalf of this hospital they should be seeking out who those nurses were on the ward when her husband died. The nurses who put inadequate bed covering on Mr Clywd which would not keep him warm, an oxygen mask which did not fit and did not give him the curtisy of a dignified death. The nurses, the administrator and the chief executive should all be made to account for their roles. There are plenty of unemployed people who want jobs and training, and if these nurses are not up to common basic standards of compassion they should not only be sacked but considered to have broken health and safety legislation. Then called to account and bought to trial. Negligence in the care of sick people is a criminal offence and negligence by common compassion and common sense should be on the statute book.
Shame on you University Hospital Wales
An example of disgraceful nursing care has just come from MP Ann Clywd. Her husband was terminally ill at University Hospital in Wales. She has spoken about her experience and her husband's death on national radio. If there are any rational spokespersons on behalf of this hospital they should be seeking out who those nurses were on the ward when her husband died. The nurses who put inadequate bed covering on Mr Clywd which would not keep him warm, an oxygen mask which did not fit and did not give him the curtisy of a dignified death. The nurses, the administrator and the chief executive should all be made to account for their roles. There are plenty of unemployed people who want jobs and training, and if these nurses are not up to common basic standards of compassion they should not only be sacked but considered to have broken health and safety legislation. Then called to account and bought to trial. Negligence in the care of sick people is a criminal offence and negligence by common compassion and common sense should be on the statute book.
Shame on you University Hospital Wales
Friday, 26 October 2012
A Chancelor who loves history but can't add up
I really can not understand how a man who has a degree in Modern History can actually be qualified to run the country's bank account. Yes, I'm talking about an ignoramus called George (the Toff) Osborne. The very man who has led such a privileged life he believes the best way to cut the budget deficit is to put a tax on pasties. He of course doesn't eat them himself but he does see a lot of poor people eat them and believes they may as well dig his rich banker friends out of a hole. Just as Cameron jumps up and down and says it was the previous labour government which put the country in the place it is now. This excuse is now wearing pretty thing, again this is the excuse of an idiot who does not actually look around to see how much traffic there is on the road before crossing it. "It's a world bloody recession you twat," is bellowed by an under 35 year old who has found out they will not get the adult rate of subsistence in housing support and have to share a house with multiple other occupiers.
As for the Liberal Democrats, well. Bile rises up inside when I think how they came across as a rational clear thinking alternative before getting in bed with the Tories and creating one of the most dangerous coalition governments there has ever been. Mark my words. Lib Dems will not see the poster of power again for another 70 years once the coalition ends. They have well and truly signed their own death warrant. There is no third party alternative. What will happen is voters will get disillusioned and then vote any other crack pot political grouping. Then Parliament will be crammed out with loonies all representing their own interests and nothing ever getting done. It will be proportional representation by stealth, something the Lib Dems have never considered, but then by that time there will probably only be one Lib Dem left in parliament and he or she go in by pretending to be something they're not. No change there then.
As for the Liberal Democrats, well. Bile rises up inside when I think how they came across as a rational clear thinking alternative before getting in bed with the Tories and creating one of the most dangerous coalition governments there has ever been. Mark my words. Lib Dems will not see the poster of power again for another 70 years once the coalition ends. They have well and truly signed their own death warrant. There is no third party alternative. What will happen is voters will get disillusioned and then vote any other crack pot political grouping. Then Parliament will be crammed out with loonies all representing their own interests and nothing ever getting done. It will be proportional representation by stealth, something the Lib Dems have never considered, but then by that time there will probably only be one Lib Dem left in parliament and he or she go in by pretending to be something they're not. No change there then.
Monday, 6 August 2012
The privileged classes just don't know
Sparkling has been watching the Olympics and then asks if I have seen
it. No I reply, which is more out of stubbornness than anything else.
For I can not see there is any justification in 9.4 billion pounds being
spent on it, when 9 high tech state of the art hospitals could of been
built and ran and saved thousands of lives. Bile rises up in me. This
country is not rich and is going through the worst recession in
history. The UK is in a new age in many respects and it will take at
least ten to twenty years before we see a change, and it is not guaranteed that change will be for the better. It could be we are now
becoming an under developing country who's status is moving from innovator and producer to user and stagnation. Maybe it is the pessimist head I have put on which is effecting me. Maybe everything will be hunky dory, but why do I feel this would be false optimism. Just like the time Thatcher was in government and managed to degrade and make the working classes nothing more than something stuck to the bottom of her shoe. There is only one common theme, Tory ignorance is it.
The privileged can not, and do not understand what life is like for the working classes or the unemployed. They have not felt poverty, by virtue of their wealth. Anyone who has been bought up from a privileged family or background will not understand how tough it can be. They take for granted and acceptance when the light is switched on it will work. The notion the electricity bill has not been paid doesn't come into it. When a privileged person sits down to eat, they don't wonder about the amount of food on their plate, a person who has experienced poverty will. But also in the experience of this they will have compassion for others. They know what deprivation is, a privileged person never can. They also know what it is like to be taken advantage of, to be discriminated against because they can not afford decent clothes. They have not sat in overfilled classes and been taught by teachers who are worn out and are no more than child minders to teenagers who don't want to be there. They don't know how depression and disaffection towards the future, effects those teenagers living in it. They don't know what it is like to be waiting in a hospital for hours on end needing medical attention, or not go on a holiday because it can not be afforded, year after year. And Tory leaders have always lacked compassion to be completely loaded with their own ignorance.
If they don't know what more than half the country is feeling how can they run the country? They simply can not. The results of their poor decision making will make the poor even poorer, the vulnerable more vulnerable and the greedy richer still.
God save the Queen, but don't give a toss about the rest of us.
The privileged can not, and do not understand what life is like for the working classes or the unemployed. They have not felt poverty, by virtue of their wealth. Anyone who has been bought up from a privileged family or background will not understand how tough it can be. They take for granted and acceptance when the light is switched on it will work. The notion the electricity bill has not been paid doesn't come into it. When a privileged person sits down to eat, they don't wonder about the amount of food on their plate, a person who has experienced poverty will. But also in the experience of this they will have compassion for others. They know what deprivation is, a privileged person never can. They also know what it is like to be taken advantage of, to be discriminated against because they can not afford decent clothes. They have not sat in overfilled classes and been taught by teachers who are worn out and are no more than child minders to teenagers who don't want to be there. They don't know how depression and disaffection towards the future, effects those teenagers living in it. They don't know what it is like to be waiting in a hospital for hours on end needing medical attention, or not go on a holiday because it can not be afforded, year after year. And Tory leaders have always lacked compassion to be completely loaded with their own ignorance.
If they don't know what more than half the country is feeling how can they run the country? They simply can not. The results of their poor decision making will make the poor even poorer, the vulnerable more vulnerable and the greedy richer still.
God save the Queen, but don't give a toss about the rest of us.
Thursday, 19 July 2012
PC Harwood -Guilty as...
PC Harwood has been found not guilty of manslaughter, even though he is responsible for the death of an innocient bystander Ian Tomlinson on 01st April 2009. Harwood attacked Tomlinson while Tomlinson was strolling away with hands in his pockets. Harwood is known to have had 10 raised incidents during his carreer when he showed excessive violence. Yet he still walks away clear. I can't see how such a verdict has happened. He must be guilty of something, his actions led to the death of Tomlinson. Could this be another case of the judicial system protecting its own even when it knows its own are rotten? When someone is attacked from behind, and they have not shown any form of aggression or provocation how can the assailant be allowed to walk away free? To what extent can British justice ever redeem itself after such an event? In a barrel of apples all it takes is one bad one and the rest turn.
This man should not be allowed to ever work in any law enforcing role,
or one of authority. The disbelief pushes me to the point of speechlessness. Especially in considering had Harwood's actions been taken by another citizen who was not wearing a Police uniform then would the outcome of been the same? Hell no. Not in a hundred years.
This now leaves it up to the family of Tomlinson to decide whether to take Harwood through the civil court process. Even to use the phrase of Health and Safety, because under such law Harwood again becomes personally liable for what he did. In full reality this is what he should be accepting, full personal responsibility. Instead listening to the news a character sketch is drawn of Harwood, he is a man who tends to see red. Who has an aggressive streak and can not help himself. Yet because someone can not help themselves it doesn't mean they be allowed to walk away from their actions with no punitive justice. In this high profile case there indeed has been none.
A fund should be started up by the relatives of Tomlinson. A war chest to which the public can donate monies so further legal action and prosecution can take place. This has now become an event of the people versus the judiciary. Harwood can not be allowed to get away with murder.
This now leaves it up to the family of Tomlinson to decide whether to take Harwood through the civil court process. Even to use the phrase of Health and Safety, because under such law Harwood again becomes personally liable for what he did. In full reality this is what he should be accepting, full personal responsibility. Instead listening to the news a character sketch is drawn of Harwood, he is a man who tends to see red. Who has an aggressive streak and can not help himself. Yet because someone can not help themselves it doesn't mean they be allowed to walk away from their actions with no punitive justice. In this high profile case there indeed has been none.
A fund should be started up by the relatives of Tomlinson. A war chest to which the public can donate monies so further legal action and prosecution can take place. This has now become an event of the people versus the judiciary. Harwood can not be allowed to get away with murder.
Monday, 16 July 2012
11 Days to the Olympics
Well it's only 11 days to the Olympics kicks off for real. Like it's actually happening here in London. What the rest of the world don't know is the farcical nature of the whole thing. The 9.3 billion pounds spent on an event which barely any real Londoner can view in person. Yet will be expected to carry on paying for the Olympic legacy over many years to come. We all know London should not of won the event, lets face it 9.3 billion pounds could of been spent on something a hell of a lot more beneficial for the entire country. For example half a dozen top quality hospitals spread up and down and all over the UK. Hospitals with new standards and additional finance to support them. Hospitals which would help take the country into the standard of NHS care it should have but will actually not have as it is continuously eroded by the present government. 9.3 billion pounds could of paid quite a bit towards a lot of surgery as well.
In the mean time it has come out in the wash the main security firm G4S is not up to the job. This company employs the cheapest labour it can to make the most profit it can. The security contract it has taken out is worth half a billion pounds. Yet it pays minimum pay to it's officers. I heard on the radio how a regular contractor to the Olympic venue walked through security with no problems, not just because he was a regular but because it seemed they didn't care two hoots about doing their job. Young men in their late teens were larking about, they wore the uniforms but they didn't know or understand the full duties of their job. The consequences, this is serious, very serious. Theresa May looks like an idiot. The government had a report on the capabilities of G4S about ten months ago. It stressed concerns they were not up to the job. And they definitely are not. Nobody wants to consider what may happen at the event, nobody wants to consider the inevitable question which MI5 must be thinking about. Has something already happened? I think back to when the IRA bombed the conservative conference hotel some twenty plus years ago.
The road network in London will be gridlocked. This is an inevitable event, there is not a single Londoner who does not know and believe this will happen. The Olympic lanes are ordinary roads in a city which is close to maximum capacity. The fear of not having Olympic lanes is that athletes would not be able to get to events. Well I got news for you, this little topic will raise it's ugly head during the event and some emergency travel arrangements will have to be put into place. Even if it means using a helicopter to ferry them from one place to another. It makes me wonder if the rest of the world knows the concerns Londoners have, whether they are privvy to the same radio shows, discussions or news items in papers as we see and read here. Traffic is likely to be blocked up for hours and I am taking a guess but some events could even be postponed. Then again I'm a pessimist on this matter. But as the saying goes, hope for the best and plan for the worst. I recon some worse planning scenarios need to be thought about pretty quickly.
In the mean time it has come out in the wash the main security firm G4S is not up to the job. This company employs the cheapest labour it can to make the most profit it can. The security contract it has taken out is worth half a billion pounds. Yet it pays minimum pay to it's officers. I heard on the radio how a regular contractor to the Olympic venue walked through security with no problems, not just because he was a regular but because it seemed they didn't care two hoots about doing their job. Young men in their late teens were larking about, they wore the uniforms but they didn't know or understand the full duties of their job. The consequences, this is serious, very serious. Theresa May looks like an idiot. The government had a report on the capabilities of G4S about ten months ago. It stressed concerns they were not up to the job. And they definitely are not. Nobody wants to consider what may happen at the event, nobody wants to consider the inevitable question which MI5 must be thinking about. Has something already happened? I think back to when the IRA bombed the conservative conference hotel some twenty plus years ago.
The road network in London will be gridlocked. This is an inevitable event, there is not a single Londoner who does not know and believe this will happen. The Olympic lanes are ordinary roads in a city which is close to maximum capacity. The fear of not having Olympic lanes is that athletes would not be able to get to events. Well I got news for you, this little topic will raise it's ugly head during the event and some emergency travel arrangements will have to be put into place. Even if it means using a helicopter to ferry them from one place to another. It makes me wonder if the rest of the world knows the concerns Londoners have, whether they are privvy to the same radio shows, discussions or news items in papers as we see and read here. Traffic is likely to be blocked up for hours and I am taking a guess but some events could even be postponed. Then again I'm a pessimist on this matter. But as the saying goes, hope for the best and plan for the worst. I recon some worse planning scenarios need to be thought about pretty quickly.
Friday, 29 June 2012
Angry Cameron and Duplicitous Osborne
Every time I see Cameron on TV I see an angry man. Someone who does their best to justify who they are, how on earth this man got voted in as prime minister is a travesty. I've harped on before how Clegg's coalition is the worse thing Lib Dems could of done and it will be another 70 years before they every get the scent of power again. However, siding with someone who can not keep his cool and has only one excuse which is to blame the previous government is consistently ludicrous.
Cameron and his Tory representatives have constantly said the banks were given free reign by Labour. It was because of this the recession has gone on for longer than it should. Had a different stance been taken then we would not be here. However, examine this argument and you'll soon see how false it is. Conservatives would never have allowed Labour to bring in as much regulation as would of been needed to have prevented the UK from being in the world recession. The second point is, it is a World recession no a UK only recession. Again the Tories don't happen to mention this point, unless of course Cameron happens to be in Europe telling the Germans, French, Spanish and whoever he can they should be doing what he says. He has completely lost it. What makes him think he can tell other people what to do. He plainly can not. People will do what they do. Giving advise should always have a warning notice applied. Nobody takes advice. So don't even bother mate. I'll give you some advice Camy, stop being so angry. On camera it doesn't look good and shows how ignorant you are. All I want is to see Ed Balls goad Cam a bit more. It seems Balls has got Balls. He knows exactly how to rile up Camy. He can get under his skin, unlike Mr Milliband who should side step and let Balls take the lead once in a while more often. I really would love to see Cam completely lose it and with the right kind of jibe from the right kind of persistent person he will. Bring in the Paxman I say, the nasty side of Paxman all guns a blazing, there are very very few people who can take on Paxy.
In the meantime back at the ranch you will see Mr Duplicitous Osborne hiding under a stone somewhere. He furnishes the front bench with a permanent smarmy cushion like smile, he thinks shit doesn't stick because of his Teflon suits, but the thing is Osborne side steps, back tracks and wallows in his own shit. He has no plan for the country, no plan for the world and is like a rudderless ship ruling the UK with policies which have no thought at all. He does have an idea. Not a single idea on what to do. How the hell are going to pay for an even longer period with this man in office? Alone he will ensure this recession lasts another 5 years. He has the kind of personality I have seen people I dislike enormously, people I would never trust, the kind of person who will seek to take advantage of others. Who says they are qualified but in reality only managed to scrape a pass in the GCSEs. It's all bloody doom and gloom with these two.
It will not take too long before there is another protest march through London. When it happens it will be big. Big enough to make the politicians stop again for a millisecond and wonder if what they are doing is the right thing. However, if they are a Tory politician their failure of insight and listening to others will have little effect. The next General Election can not come soon enough.
Cameron and his Tory representatives have constantly said the banks were given free reign by Labour. It was because of this the recession has gone on for longer than it should. Had a different stance been taken then we would not be here. However, examine this argument and you'll soon see how false it is. Conservatives would never have allowed Labour to bring in as much regulation as would of been needed to have prevented the UK from being in the world recession. The second point is, it is a World recession no a UK only recession. Again the Tories don't happen to mention this point, unless of course Cameron happens to be in Europe telling the Germans, French, Spanish and whoever he can they should be doing what he says. He has completely lost it. What makes him think he can tell other people what to do. He plainly can not. People will do what they do. Giving advise should always have a warning notice applied. Nobody takes advice. So don't even bother mate. I'll give you some advice Camy, stop being so angry. On camera it doesn't look good and shows how ignorant you are. All I want is to see Ed Balls goad Cam a bit more. It seems Balls has got Balls. He knows exactly how to rile up Camy. He can get under his skin, unlike Mr Milliband who should side step and let Balls take the lead once in a while more often. I really would love to see Cam completely lose it and with the right kind of jibe from the right kind of persistent person he will. Bring in the Paxman I say, the nasty side of Paxman all guns a blazing, there are very very few people who can take on Paxy.
In the meantime back at the ranch you will see Mr Duplicitous Osborne hiding under a stone somewhere. He furnishes the front bench with a permanent smarmy cushion like smile, he thinks shit doesn't stick because of his Teflon suits, but the thing is Osborne side steps, back tracks and wallows in his own shit. He has no plan for the country, no plan for the world and is like a rudderless ship ruling the UK with policies which have no thought at all. He does have an idea. Not a single idea on what to do. How the hell are going to pay for an even longer period with this man in office? Alone he will ensure this recession lasts another 5 years. He has the kind of personality I have seen people I dislike enormously, people I would never trust, the kind of person who will seek to take advantage of others. Who says they are qualified but in reality only managed to scrape a pass in the GCSEs. It's all bloody doom and gloom with these two.
It will not take too long before there is another protest march through London. When it happens it will be big. Big enough to make the politicians stop again for a millisecond and wonder if what they are doing is the right thing. However, if they are a Tory politician their failure of insight and listening to others will have little effect. The next General Election can not come soon enough.
Friday, 1 June 2012
Witchcraft at the supermarket
It was with a little disbelief bordering on horror I heard a conversation taking place in my local supermarket. Two black females with about three children were discussing witchcraft. One of them had the view as a Christian church goer she was sceptical of it existing. While it seemed the other was curious and on the verge of accepting she actually believed such a thing did exist. There was a persistence about this woman, it was as thought this witchcraft thing was something she was going to hang onto with relish because she had found something important or powerful. It could well have been a belief system one upmanship she was practising while they walked down the aisle with shampoos one one side and headache pills on the other. This is London I thought, this is a Western society I live in and here on my very doorstep was someone who was taking back the learning of hundreds of years of reason. Witchcraft does not exist. It is not real. It is something used by a few to manipulate others and more so to those who are no educated. Who don't understand things and hold beliefs which the UK had disbanded to mental illness also hundreds of years ago. Such belief systems can not be compatible in today's enlightenment. But they are.
Are such minds weak and feeble I ask myself. This can not be true. It could be due to upbringing and cultural beliefs which are completely alien to my own. What is acceptable in one society and in one country is not always acceptable in another. In regard to witchcraft there have been too many high profile news items of children being abused by relatives who thought their children were possessed. There have been murders and torturing as well. These are gross violations of human being by other mislead ignorant humans. It is not enough for them to be sent to prison for such things should not be happening in the first place. I am nearly fifty years old. In my life I have not seen a single paranormal event, I have not witnessed anything of the nature. I have gone from believer, to agnostic to atheist. In a gradual process of understanding and enlightenment. It begins at an early age, probably with the notion of the nativity, false belief is then rewarded by such things as the tooth fairy. Cultural and religious ceremonies are used to bring groups of society together for a single purpose, family and friends are then bound as being part of an event no matter how false it is. The christening of a child for instance. They are there to ingrain or breed awe in those who attend so they have a deference. If you don't hold such deference then these things would be the equivalent of anathema. Personally, I've got to accept other people have their own ideas. Even when I get to the point I do not want to advise such individuals beliefs are false, but don't because mentally this could damage them. Maybe this is what the belief in witchcraft would do to those persons as well.
It is sad we persist to hold onto false belief systems and even try and make other people believe the same things. When I walk down the street and am stopped by religious nuts I waste no time with them. Unless I happen to be in a cantankerous mood. I don't see atheists standing at tables trying to convert believers, but they have every right to. I don't see Satanists standing in the high street but they to have every right to propound their beliefs. If we are a tolerant and acceptant society even these groups should be allowed their say. Equally I don't see tables where lesbian and gay people stand and discuss gender identity, but they have an equal right as well. Such public lobbying of belief systems should therefore be banned unless all belief systems are invited to lobby as well.
Are such minds weak and feeble I ask myself. This can not be true. It could be due to upbringing and cultural beliefs which are completely alien to my own. What is acceptable in one society and in one country is not always acceptable in another. In regard to witchcraft there have been too many high profile news items of children being abused by relatives who thought their children were possessed. There have been murders and torturing as well. These are gross violations of human being by other mislead ignorant humans. It is not enough for them to be sent to prison for such things should not be happening in the first place. I am nearly fifty years old. In my life I have not seen a single paranormal event, I have not witnessed anything of the nature. I have gone from believer, to agnostic to atheist. In a gradual process of understanding and enlightenment. It begins at an early age, probably with the notion of the nativity, false belief is then rewarded by such things as the tooth fairy. Cultural and religious ceremonies are used to bring groups of society together for a single purpose, family and friends are then bound as being part of an event no matter how false it is. The christening of a child for instance. They are there to ingrain or breed awe in those who attend so they have a deference. If you don't hold such deference then these things would be the equivalent of anathema. Personally, I've got to accept other people have their own ideas. Even when I get to the point I do not want to advise such individuals beliefs are false, but don't because mentally this could damage them. Maybe this is what the belief in witchcraft would do to those persons as well.
It is sad we persist to hold onto false belief systems and even try and make other people believe the same things. When I walk down the street and am stopped by religious nuts I waste no time with them. Unless I happen to be in a cantankerous mood. I don't see atheists standing at tables trying to convert believers, but they have every right to. I don't see Satanists standing in the high street but they to have every right to propound their beliefs. If we are a tolerant and acceptant society even these groups should be allowed their say. Equally I don't see tables where lesbian and gay people stand and discuss gender identity, but they have an equal right as well. Such public lobbying of belief systems should therefore be banned unless all belief systems are invited to lobby as well.
Thursday, 31 May 2012
An example of partiality, bias, old boy network, the Jeremny Hunt Story
The Levenson enquiry has been probing Jeremy Hunt. An old chum of Cameron who became culture secretary after Vince Cable went and showed political bias while talking to under cover Telegraph reporters. Emails and text from Hunt are unequivocal, he was bias from the start. However, he doesn't believe he was. His bias is there to see for anyone who has open eyes. When I see Hunt he has an odd looking stare, the kind which makes me think he may even have a mental illness. Particularly when he is someone who has two opposing sides and things it is quite OK for them to be existent in the same place at the same time. He denies being bias in his decision making, although he had frequent contact and obvious bias to News Corp. The reality is this is someone who does not have a grasp of reality and should probably be locked up in a quiet room with a specially adapted back to front waist coat. The type which would take him a long time to escape from. There is something crazy about him, something which is in denial and by it's very denial notions believes itself to be vindicated and right. Cameron, can not sustain the damage he is getting from his dodgy bedfellows, it's a matter of time. If Cam wants someone who can not tell right from wrong then Cam is probably in need of a cell for himself as well. Mind in the incredibly short period of time he has been in power he certainly is good of making a complete hash of it all.
Hunt should do the honourable thing. But he is dishonourable so he will not. Odd there seem to be so many Tories with this trait.
Hunt should do the honourable thing. But he is dishonourable so he will not. Odd there seem to be so many Tories with this trait.
Saturday, 26 May 2012
Assad is a criminal
President Bashar Al-Assad of Syria continues to slaughter his own people. Listening to the news is like hearing another article which could of been on Gaddaffi, except we all know Gaddaffi is dead. Assad has the backing of the military and a minority group of Syria. It has been reported today Assad's army have killed over 90 people in Houla, and it was confirmed by peace keepers 32 of these were children. This man sat with Kofi Annan, they spoke of a ceasefire, Assad was asked politely, but he continues to kill. This is a man who will one day be called to answer for his actions. In the meantime the aid agency Doctors Without Borders are kept from entering Syria, so Assad purposefully allows Syrian people a lingering death even if they could be saved. The European community are like always slow to act, they have an impotence which racks up European guilt. The UN security council had a vote to take action, which must be unanimous. However, two countries voted against it, China and Russia. Syria sells them oil, they are friends and they do not want this supply cut off. However, when it comes to human rights China and Russia don't have a clear conscience either. The wait for action continues and during this struggle it is now reported some 12,000 plus people have slayed.
Assad's wife lives in the UK and supports her husband in every way. Shame on you Asma Al-Assad how would you feel if your children Hafez, Zein and Karim were killed in heavy artillery? But yet you play your part in this diabolical president's support. She has been banned now from travelling in Europe so is stuck here in the UK, where her blood stained British passport is firmly rooted. Here is a beautiful rich woman, who wears expensive designer clothes, but is rotten to the core. One day just like Bashar your time will come Asma your time will come and there is an International Court who will have your name listed, your husband will be first.. An appearance at some future date could be on the agenda.
Syria was under Emergency law between 1963 and 2011, during this time the great dictator Assad had a damn built, now the largest lake is named after him. Assad, is a member of a minority Muslim population known as the Alawi, approximately 12 percent, whereas the majority are Sunni Muslims 74 per cent. I once used to think if you were a Muslim then your belief was each other person who was a member of your religion was your brother. This is a somewhat naive view. Whether Muslim or not, Assad clearly prefers the power of his own people and his own people does not include the rest of the country.
Assad's wife lives in the UK and supports her husband in every way. Shame on you Asma Al-Assad how would you feel if your children Hafez, Zein and Karim were killed in heavy artillery? But yet you play your part in this diabolical president's support. She has been banned now from travelling in Europe so is stuck here in the UK, where her blood stained British passport is firmly rooted. Here is a beautiful rich woman, who wears expensive designer clothes, but is rotten to the core. One day just like Bashar your time will come Asma your time will come and there is an International Court who will have your name listed, your husband will be first.. An appearance at some future date could be on the agenda.
Syria was under Emergency law between 1963 and 2011, during this time the great dictator Assad had a damn built, now the largest lake is named after him. Assad, is a member of a minority Muslim population known as the Alawi, approximately 12 percent, whereas the majority are Sunni Muslims 74 per cent. I once used to think if you were a Muslim then your belief was each other person who was a member of your religion was your brother. This is a somewhat naive view. Whether Muslim or not, Assad clearly prefers the power of his own people and his own people does not include the rest of the country.
Sunday, 15 April 2012
Galloway has blood on his hands
There is at this moment only one person who can say George Galloway has not drank alcohol and it is George Galloway. But my more than suspicious mind comes to play. Scots drink alcohol, even if it has been once in their life, they drink it. It is in their DNA. They may not all be raving alcoholics but they all will and do at some time in their life drink alcohol. So with this strong belief George must be lying. If you were to ask any Scot for their opinion on Gorgeous Georgie I am sure they would agree. I do not personally know George, I do not know his family or his friends or anyone else who may have been associated with him, but I most definitely do not believe his quote:
"...I, George Galloway, do not drink alcohol and never have..."
It is my belief anyone who judges this statement to be true, must truly be naive. Unfortunately we have no alternative source stepping forward to deny Georgie's statement as false. I'm sure there is a someone out there who does know, someone who was once close to George. Lets not forget Georgie's background, he certainly does get around and his friends are rather on the dark side.
A friend of President Asad of Syria, on TV in Syria he praised the 154 jihads military assaults every day in Iraq, it is also Asad who is currently in the news for bombing his own populace just because the no longer want him to rule and have quietly tried to demonstrate. George supported Saddam Hussein and it was Saddam who killed thousands upon thousands of his own Muslim countrymen. George congratulates openly the glorification of extremists especially when this fits in with the popular zeitgeist. He openly has sympathises with Hezbollah and their view all Jews should be killed, Georgie has found one political extremist after another and played upon their popular extremist views for Georgie's own sake. He is nothing but a user and a liar.
The evidence is there for all to see, just go to You Tube and see the videos. George by his vocal support has blood on his hands. How the population of Bradford can not understand or see George for what he is, is sad. He will be their MP, he will take their money, shout from tree tops, bare his chest and fight lions but all the time he is counting his own bank balance and his own popularity. He likes nothing more than the lime light. He is a hypocrite in every sense of the word and any reasonable person who is able to think independently can learn this in a matter of moments.
When listening to several You Tube clips with Georgie I can only come to one opinion. Mr Galloway is mentally ill, I'm not a doctor, this is just an opinion, but with an hour of hearing Mr Galloway and several different interviewers he has frequently contradicted himself and can not tell the truth no matter what it is. Alternatively if he is not mentally ill, why is Georgie a fanatic in his own way? Because he likes the attention and he doesn't care who gives it to him. He will say or do anything for attention or for money. Lets not forget George playing the cat in the Big Brother household. George will stand on a box or a dead body just to get noticed. Citizens of West Bradford you have no idea who is now sleeping in your bed. Then again we all have the right to make our own mistakes. In George's case, it happens quite frequently though.
Sunday, 25 March 2012
Greek Independence Day, mind the oranges
Today marks the great Greek Independence Day. It celebrates the Greeks overcoming four centuries of Ottoman rule, they fought back and took their own country into their own control. It marks a proud and special moment in time. However, it with sadness the Greeks celebrate this day. Truthfully they have little to celebrate. Their heads are hung low. Greece is not an independent nation, it is now a small dog who has a large master called the EU. This master is being cruel to Greece. He holds back food and water, he doesn't take Greece out for walks, he shades poor Greece from any sunlight so the sun has no warmth. Greece is being treated disrespectfully by the EU and by it's own politicians. Greece wants to be free again but they are not allowing it. So Greece holds its head low, scavenging any tit bits it can find. Knowing as time goes on it will get more discontent, it will lose more weight and no longer have control of anything at all. It wants it's own freedom back. It wants to see the light again and to feel warm. Things are bad.
In Athens today the authorities have decided to removed oranges from the trees. As the politicians show their faces at the celebration, the people are down in heart. They removed the oranges just in case they were used as projectiles and pelted at the so called democratic politicians. Politicians who no longer hear what the people want to say. With one voice they are saying it but nothing is being done. They are saying bring back the Drachma and dump the Euro. As time passes by it is the EU now which runs Greece. They have no imagination, they just want to stifle growth, but growth can only come if there is incentive, desire, recognition and most importantly independence. If Greek politicians carry on down this route there will be only one foreseeable outcome. Rioting. Bigger crowds, louder crowds, full blown rioting as the people feel impotent against the austerity they have now to suffer.
Listen politicians, the default must happen or you will starve to death your own people. Hear what they have to say and stop being the chastised starving dog the EU is making of your country. Become independent again and break the mould. There is nothing to lose, just do it.
In Athens today the authorities have decided to removed oranges from the trees. As the politicians show their faces at the celebration, the people are down in heart. They removed the oranges just in case they were used as projectiles and pelted at the so called democratic politicians. Politicians who no longer hear what the people want to say. With one voice they are saying it but nothing is being done. They are saying bring back the Drachma and dump the Euro. As time passes by it is the EU now which runs Greece. They have no imagination, they just want to stifle growth, but growth can only come if there is incentive, desire, recognition and most importantly independence. If Greek politicians carry on down this route there will be only one foreseeable outcome. Rioting. Bigger crowds, louder crowds, full blown rioting as the people feel impotent against the austerity they have now to suffer.
Listen politicians, the default must happen or you will starve to death your own people. Hear what they have to say and stop being the chastised starving dog the EU is making of your country. Become independent again and break the mould. There is nothing to lose, just do it.
Sunday, 26 February 2012
Hijab comment at airport
The creator of Fireman Sam, David Jones was stopped at a Heathrow airport after making a silly little quip which was not aggressive, discriminatory or racist. As a woman wearing a hijab walked through Jones said "If I was wearing my scarf over my face I wonder what would happen?" He was then detained for a hour by cretinous airport officials and questioned by Police. This was the comment of a man who is frustrated with how crazy political correctness has become. He got penalised and he was not wearing any suspicious clothing. He was white, a male and a pensioner. This man was penalised more because he spoke his mind, in a country with alleged free speech he suffered. The individual who needs re educating is the one who took the decision Jones should be detained. This was an innocent comment. If we are to take political correctness further every individual who wears an item which obscures their face should be stopped and asked to remove it. As human beings we read faces, eyes are the windows to the soul. Facial expression tells a lot, if people are happy, sad, tense or shifty these expressions are universal. The incredibility of this story was such that as the news papers were reviewed on the Andrew Marr Show this Sunday morning, Andrew Marr himself verbally skited over the subject and directed his fellow paper reviewers away from it. This is supposed to be a serious political correspondent and he can not make up his mind whether he should speak for reason or not. Again no doubt there was some apprehension, after all he had a show to run and didn't want to be stopped for an hour. Sad, because this is a serious political question and brief discussion was most certainly warranted.
In security terms this is probably more important than moronic airport staff. If someone is acting in a suspicious clues to their actions will be more apparent from the expression on their face. It should therefore go, ever airport in the country should have a rule of no head wear except in the case of medical necessity, and a doctor's note. Religion should not be allowed to become a justification for terrorism. If a fanatic is going to do something to endanger the lives of others they will do it in a way to shroud their intentions. Jones, should be given a medal for saying what the rest of us think. Indeed. There is nothing to stop Jones from going out and creating his own religious group, one where males cover their faces and walk in public areas. I wonder then what everyone would be saying.
Lastly the actions of these official trumped up self important persons has now made the notion of a free society, and freedom of speech questionable. We all have opinions in this world and we are allowed to state them. If the woman in the hijab didn't moan about Jones comments why should it matter to someone else. She had the equal right to complain, she didn't. For the sake of security let us now argue for the removal off head and facial coverings at our airports and certainly in all european countries.
In security terms this is probably more important than moronic airport staff. If someone is acting in a suspicious clues to their actions will be more apparent from the expression on their face. It should therefore go, ever airport in the country should have a rule of no head wear except in the case of medical necessity, and a doctor's note. Religion should not be allowed to become a justification for terrorism. If a fanatic is going to do something to endanger the lives of others they will do it in a way to shroud their intentions. Jones, should be given a medal for saying what the rest of us think. Indeed. There is nothing to stop Jones from going out and creating his own religious group, one where males cover their faces and walk in public areas. I wonder then what everyone would be saying.
Lastly the actions of these official trumped up self important persons has now made the notion of a free society, and freedom of speech questionable. We all have opinions in this world and we are allowed to state them. If the woman in the hijab didn't moan about Jones comments why should it matter to someone else. She had the equal right to complain, she didn't. For the sake of security let us now argue for the removal off head and facial coverings at our airports and certainly in all european countries.
Thursday, 2 February 2012
India buys fighter aircraft rather than tackles poverty
There are actions which are so outrageous the deny belief. A prime example now is India and how it treats its own people. This is a country with great poverty but also great riches. It has more billionaires than the UK. However, rather than consider ways to tackle poverty it is now purchasing fighter aircraft from France but does nothing to help the poor. The UK gives more in international development finance to India than India gives to itself. India spent ten billion British pounds on these fighter aircraft, India spent money on ensuring the F1 Grande Prix included it on the circuit, India has a space program. So why, why does the UK give any aid to India at all? Maybe in India they do not believe in the right to life, there is no respect to it. While here in the UK jobs which were indigenous to this country have been sold abroad to India. Because they do it cheaper. Then we lose employment and gain in an additional cost of unemployment benefits. I personally detest speaking to any call centre and find at the end of the phone line is someone who is in India and has just given me an English name to call them by. At this point I know they are lying. If they can not tell me their real name how can I tell anything else they say to me is the truth. My heckles raise. I know being self protectionist and insular is a bad thing, but the facts are this is not a level playing field and it is probably about time the UK thought twice about giving away finance to countries which don't need but lack in moral values. What happened to the old saying "charity begins at home?"
Saturday, 14 January 2012
The Unemployed and politicians
I am fed up with my taxes being paid to people who are skiving off the state. People who have been unemployed for a long time and especially those who have no intention to work. If they have been unemployed for more than a year they should be made to work for their benefit. Given public duties for example, like 16 hours a week picking up dog poo, scraping off chewing gum from the pavement, or stick them in front of CCTV monitors so they can view them for crime taking place. Anything. It doesn't matter what it is they need to get off their lazy arses and bloody do something. I am convinced they just have no impetus. This particularly goes for the young. If you are physically capable then forced bloody labour, or forced conscription. The same should go for any person no matter what nationality. If they are claiming state benefits it should not be a free ticket for the rest of their life. Paying taxes is what makes a person a responsible individual. Meeting other people, working, having a boss, taking part of life this is what the unemployed are shirking off.
As for the government and such crappy initiatives as A4E, this organization don't help either. There has to be a structured induction back into the workplace. Training. Whether it is for 6 months or 2 years, this has got to be supported by the government. Those unemployed people out there have skills as well but they don't know it. They need pushing in the right direction. An aptitude test to see where their natural qualities lie and then bang, hit them with a course which qualifies them and gives them real in work experience. One where employers are paid to help them train staff. This country needs building up at a skill level, not one bloody cut back to pay the bloody deficit after another. This government is starving the economy. Give people something to do. Give them anything so they can get a feeling of their own self worth and ability to do things. Anything at all. We have to look to the future and like it or not Cameron and Osborne it means getting out of the mind set of clearing up a deficit at the expense of the country's future. For there will be no future. Don't they get it? Are they so stupid? Stick an unemployed person in their job and see if they can do better, we might even be surprised.
Hell, there's a thought. All the unemployed people getting together and voting in their own MPs. People who represent the unemployed and put forward policies to help them get into work. They'd bloody win every seat they'd contest. There is so much negativity in the current policies of government it is like Cameron is accepting the country is in the pits. There is nothing progressive. Cut this, cut that. Soon there will be no toilet paper in public loos, you'll have to take your own tissues because Cameron will decree it. .
As for the government and such crappy initiatives as A4E, this organization don't help either. There has to be a structured induction back into the workplace. Training. Whether it is for 6 months or 2 years, this has got to be supported by the government. Those unemployed people out there have skills as well but they don't know it. They need pushing in the right direction. An aptitude test to see where their natural qualities lie and then bang, hit them with a course which qualifies them and gives them real in work experience. One where employers are paid to help them train staff. This country needs building up at a skill level, not one bloody cut back to pay the bloody deficit after another. This government is starving the economy. Give people something to do. Give them anything so they can get a feeling of their own self worth and ability to do things. Anything at all. We have to look to the future and like it or not Cameron and Osborne it means getting out of the mind set of clearing up a deficit at the expense of the country's future. For there will be no future. Don't they get it? Are they so stupid? Stick an unemployed person in their job and see if they can do better, we might even be surprised.
Hell, there's a thought. All the unemployed people getting together and voting in their own MPs. People who represent the unemployed and put forward policies to help them get into work. They'd bloody win every seat they'd contest. There is so much negativity in the current policies of government it is like Cameron is accepting the country is in the pits. There is nothing progressive. Cut this, cut that. Soon there will be no toilet paper in public loos, you'll have to take your own tissues because Cameron will decree it. .
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