Every time I see Cameron on TV I see an angry man. Someone who does their best to justify who they are, how on earth this man got voted in as prime minister is a travesty. I've harped on before how Clegg's coalition is the worse thing Lib Dems could of done and it will be another 70 years before they every get the scent of power again. However, siding with someone who can not keep his cool and has only one excuse which is to blame the previous government is consistently ludicrous.
Cameron and his Tory representatives have constantly said the banks were given free reign by Labour. It was because of this the recession has gone on for longer than it should. Had a different stance been taken then we would not be here. However, examine this argument and you'll soon see how false it is. Conservatives would never have allowed Labour to bring in as much regulation as would of been needed to have prevented the UK from being in the world recession. The second point is, it is a World recession no a UK only recession. Again the Tories don't happen to mention this point, unless of course Cameron happens to be in Europe telling the Germans, French, Spanish and whoever he can they should be doing what he says. He has completely lost it. What makes him think he can tell other people what to do. He plainly can not. People will do what they do. Giving advise should always have a warning notice applied. Nobody takes advice. So don't even bother mate. I'll give you some advice Camy, stop being so angry. On camera it doesn't look good and shows how ignorant you are. All I want is to see Ed Balls goad Cam a bit more. It seems Balls has got Balls. He knows exactly how to rile up Camy. He can get under his skin, unlike Mr Milliband who should side step and let Balls take the lead once in a while more often. I really would love to see Cam completely lose it and with the right kind of jibe from the right kind of persistent person he will. Bring in the Paxman I say, the nasty side of Paxman all guns a blazing, there are very very few people who can take on Paxy.
In the meantime back at the ranch you will see Mr Duplicitous Osborne hiding under a stone somewhere. He furnishes the front bench with a permanent smarmy cushion like smile, he thinks shit doesn't stick because of his Teflon suits, but the thing is Osborne side steps, back tracks and wallows in his own shit. He has no plan for the country, no plan for the world and is like a rudderless ship ruling the UK with policies which have no thought at all. He does have an idea. Not a single idea on what to do. How the hell are going to pay for an even longer period with this man in office? Alone he will ensure this recession lasts another 5 years. He has the kind of personality I have seen people I dislike enormously, people I would never trust, the kind of person who will seek to take advantage of others. Who says they are qualified but in reality only managed to scrape a pass in the GCSEs. It's all bloody doom and gloom with these two.
It will not take too long before there is another protest march through London. When it happens it will be big. Big enough to make the politicians stop again for a millisecond and wonder if what they are doing is the right thing. However, if they are a Tory politician their failure of insight and listening to others will have little effect. The next General Election can not come soon enough.
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