PC Harwood has been found not guilty of manslaughter, even though he is responsible for the death of an innocient bystander Ian Tomlinson on 01st April 2009. Harwood attacked Tomlinson while Tomlinson was strolling away with hands in his pockets. Harwood is known to have had 10 raised incidents during his carreer when he showed excessive violence. Yet he still walks away clear. I can't see how such a verdict has happened. He must be guilty of something, his actions led to the death of Tomlinson. Could this be another case of the judicial system protecting its own even when it knows its own are rotten? When someone is attacked from behind, and they have not shown any form of aggression or provocation how can the assailant be allowed to walk away free? To what extent can British justice ever redeem itself after such an event? In a barrel of apples all it takes is one bad one and the rest turn.
This man should not be allowed to ever work in any law enforcing role,
or one of authority. The disbelief pushes me to the point of speechlessness. Especially in considering had Harwood's actions been taken by another citizen who was not wearing a Police uniform then would the outcome of been the same? Hell no. Not in a hundred years.
This now leaves it up to the family of Tomlinson to decide whether to take Harwood through the civil court process. Even to use the phrase of Health and Safety, because under such law Harwood again becomes personally liable for what he did. In full reality this is what he should be accepting, full personal responsibility. Instead listening to the news a character sketch is drawn of Harwood, he is a man who tends to see red. Who has an aggressive streak and can not help himself. Yet because someone can not help themselves it doesn't mean they be allowed to walk away from their actions with no punitive justice. In this high profile case there indeed has been none.
A fund should be started up by the relatives of Tomlinson. A war chest to which the public can donate monies so further legal action and prosecution can take place. This has now become an event of the people versus the judiciary. Harwood can not be allowed to get away with murder.
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