Friday, 1 April 2022

Rigor Mortis of Bozo politics

 It feels like I am in an alternate reality, one which should of ended years ago but carries on going. Such is 12 years of Tory governments. My country is dying. My country has chosen a group of the worst sort of people to lead it. Bullies, self-indulgents, corrupt and without a care they are inflicting permanent damage on the lives of the innocents. This is not a country to be proud of, it is one which is trapped in a long lost era which has been hoodwinked and gaslit on those who have not questioned or reasoned what they are seeing or doing. We are at war with each other, a tactic which the Tories love because culture war means there is no class war. Throw a dead cat on the table and before it's had a chance to lose some of that rigor mortis, throw another dead cat, then another.

Bozo the clown leads Britain, a man who has only cared for himself in his life. A man who thinks everything can be made into a game and can be fun. It's a game he's created, he is the game master. He laughs and jokes at every opportunity as though no one can be anywhere as smart as him. Even though the reality is, he is not so smart at all. He is most lucky in his opportunities and his friends and his mates who don't care about what he is but more what he gives to them from the position he is in. Such is a very large intake since the 2019 GE. It's not just the blue wall MPs, it's every other MP as well. Without the clown they would not be there. It was the clown who imposed discipline on those who did not see eye to eye. No matter of their standing or experience, they had to be pulled in line and made to agree. So it is the Tory party is no longer ruled by sense and the delusion of trying to do some good. It is ruled by a liar who cares not about real life because he is wrapped in the cloak of invincibility. Does what he likes and he gets away with it.

It seems way too long to wait for the next election, and fortunately Labour is no longer run by a three legged donkey as a leader, but one who will blur the lines of established swing Tory voters and bring them back.

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