Sunday, 3 April 2022

What is our true value?

 My wife said to me I should not be bitter. It's almost like a flaw in my character, I'm careful to try and keep it at bay but it's not always easy. For I believe my value, my worth, my abilities are higher than the cards I've been dealt. Perhaps this is why I have an innate dislike for Tory governments, or for Tories. It's the same old story being recycled over and over again. A Tory politician is usually one who has been educated in a private school. The more important the school considers itself and the higher the fees it charges then the higher the value the Tory politician acquires. This is the important bit. They are given the best of life's opportunities from birth to leaving education, their expectations are that they will become wealthy, do great things and the world owes them.  Just for having them breath air the world must pay them respect. Hence it is the class system kicks in. The worth of a Tory is the worth of the stepping stones they have placed gently in front of them as they grow up. 

In the imaginary world of meritocracy, the best people for the job rise to the surface, they are smarter, they are brighter, they stand out amongst others. It can be seen in their confidence of public speaking. In the way they dress, in the language they use, their accent and the connections they have. Tories therefore represent the class system, they like to see themselves as better than other people, and then they believe they are the ones who are lifting up the poor by paying their taxes. Or as we know in today's cases not paying but rather dodging the spirit of tax paying in any way they can. From birth to leaving education they are molly coddled, given the best holidays, given the best education in which it will be one to one tutoring or it will be in small classes. It is like they are being bred into a life and life style which is close to inevitable. Money is security, it ensures they never have to worry. They always get to sleep on a bed in a warm house and have more than enough food to satiate their appetite. But what really is their worth? Being given all the opportunities or indeed opportunity hoarding doesn't mean the positions they reach is because of their value. So why might this be?

Lets compare and contrast. A working class single mother raises two children, she rents her home, she has to work and must receive Universal Credit in order to make ends meet. She loves her children very much as does every mother. But she's unable to afford them the best independent education available, so her children go to a state run school. Where the classes are of extraordinary size, 30 to 33 pupils. The class teachers can't keep track and do their best. One to one tuition is near to impossible. However it doesn't mean these children are less smart. What it does mean is they have obstacles to overcome. They may go home and find their mother is in a mood, she's had a bad day at work. Mum can't spend as much time with them as she likes but she does her best. It's difficult, very difficult. Her attention is divided as a mother and as a earner. It is not meant to be this way it just is.  The children are happy in their family and with their mum. But there is no hand up. They may spend their time doing homework but if so it's because they feel like it. But children will be children and sometimes a TV set or an electronic play console take their attention. What is their worth? It is a lot to their mother but is their potential and their ability to be the best of what they could be given a chance in these circumstances? I guarantee it is not.

So it is. Today we have self entitled politicians who never had the same realities as their poorer cousins who may have missed a meal once in a while, or never new what a holiday was. Wealth and Toryism gives Tory children not just a step up, it gives them privilege, the privilege of being rich. Yet we then go and rate those Tory rich kids as being representative of meritocracy, when they are not. For example a certain politician whose name rhymes so well with Grease-Smug had a private education and considers himself to be above the commoner. Yet Grease-Smug is not actually a bright person. Smug may well have done exceeding well in education, I don't know, but I do know that education or ability to have done well was because of the education not because of his true value. Not because he is someone I'd ever follow into battle.

In British society we have individuals who will concede the value of Grease-Smug, these hat dofters and head nodders take on a subsumed post. I is like they have decided their true values is less than this individual. They have a place in society and their place is to be lower and less worthy of this person who has been silver spooned all of their life. It is class, it is because we live in a society why has the rules of unspoken classes bound within it like the DNA we each have. But class is fake, it is an advantageous system made to keep the wealthy in the best position generation after generation.

Getting to be the best at something depends on the chances given, the education received, the opportunities available it does not depend on being truly of merit when it comes to the highest persons in society. Usually the rich persons, the ones who have made it. The more I think about it the less I actually see of any high ranked person who doesn't have a few million in their bank account. 

This is my bitterness, my dislike. It is being valued at less than what I am. When I look around me there are people I see who are well worthy of meritorious positions. They are not Royals, they don't have the best educations money can buy but they are worthy much more than any of the Tory politicians we have in cabinet now.

Friday, 1 April 2022

Rigor Mortis of Bozo politics

 It feels like I am in an alternate reality, one which should of ended years ago but carries on going. Such is 12 years of Tory governments. My country is dying. My country has chosen a group of the worst sort of people to lead it. Bullies, self-indulgents, corrupt and without a care they are inflicting permanent damage on the lives of the innocents. This is not a country to be proud of, it is one which is trapped in a long lost era which has been hoodwinked and gaslit on those who have not questioned or reasoned what they are seeing or doing. We are at war with each other, a tactic which the Tories love because culture war means there is no class war. Throw a dead cat on the table and before it's had a chance to lose some of that rigor mortis, throw another dead cat, then another.

Bozo the clown leads Britain, a man who has only cared for himself in his life. A man who thinks everything can be made into a game and can be fun. It's a game he's created, he is the game master. He laughs and jokes at every opportunity as though no one can be anywhere as smart as him. Even though the reality is, he is not so smart at all. He is most lucky in his opportunities and his friends and his mates who don't care about what he is but more what he gives to them from the position he is in. Such is a very large intake since the 2019 GE. It's not just the blue wall MPs, it's every other MP as well. Without the clown they would not be there. It was the clown who imposed discipline on those who did not see eye to eye. No matter of their standing or experience, they had to be pulled in line and made to agree. So it is the Tory party is no longer ruled by sense and the delusion of trying to do some good. It is ruled by a liar who cares not about real life because he is wrapped in the cloak of invincibility. Does what he likes and he gets away with it.

It seems way too long to wait for the next election, and fortunately Labour is no longer run by a three legged donkey as a leader, but one who will blur the lines of established swing Tory voters and bring them back.

Thursday, 10 February 2022

A message to a Tory voter

Imagine a few years from now, you've been to the doctor's, it was a little niggle, didn't seem much to start out at, then comes the waiting to find out more. Weeks pass, months even. An appointment arrives and a specialist takes a sample or two. There's another wait, this time a little shorter and you're called by the doc again to come in and have a chat. The doc says it's cancer, but they caught it a little late, you can have treatment to extent your life but it's inevitable. You will die. 

Then it dawns on you. You had voted Tory to protect the NHS, you had voted Tory to keep your job, you had voted Tory because it was your patriotic duty to do so, to keep the foreigners out, to keep Britain for the British. Yet, your specialist was not British, the nurse who took your bloods was not British and you're still dying. You voted Tory. The lie reaches it's conclusion. Were there really enough doctors and nurses to see you earlier seeing the specialist would of been quicker, getting on a waiting list would of been shorter and your life would of been somewhat longer.

Worse still now imagine it's not you but someone you love in your family, your partner, a child, an uncle or aunt, your mum. All because you voted Tory against your own best interests. You voted to decimate your own health care, you can't afford a private operation and why should you because you've been paying tax all your life. But the Tory reality is wealthy people pay little if any tax. They ensure their money is theirs and nothing is skimmed off by the state. A little like those very big corporations, the ones who have made a killing and made multimillionaires even wealthier. The likes of posh talking people. The likes of those who run tabloid newspapers. The very newspapers you read each day telling you to vote Tory. So lets ask the question. When did those millionaires and those newspaper owners become interested in you and your health? When?

Wednesday, 9 February 2022

Corrupt Tory Governemnt Kills Voters

There is a madness about when it comes to politics and the public. In 50 years from now, if humanity still exists we'll be asking what the hell happened when Bozo the clown (Boris Johnson) got elected into government? The answer is complex but initially it is to do with public image and cult status, Cambridge Analytica, Trump and Brexit. The British public were played to the tune of nationalism and the tabloid right wing press. Which was able to hoodwink or rather gaslight the voters of Britain leaving the EU would be a good thing. A good thing for who should be asked. The likes of those who have a few million in their bank account would of been on the edge of their seat knowing it was a good thing for them. For greed, and not giving a shit about the common voting, working class individual. Providing said individual continued to vote against their own best interests. Such is the power of tabloid media. It is always about the detail, but the emphasis is on whipping up emotion. For emotion comes from a more primitive part of the brain and it stops logic performing what it should do. Looking for facts and verification. Minds some people just want an easy life and can't be bothered with being used. With believing what they see. I wonder how they would feel if the veil of Toryism was removed from their eyes and they saw the truth.

Without the media Bozo is a man of mediocrity, in fact his entire cabinet well below standard when it comes to political awareness, I.Q. and political ability.  Raab didn't even read the Good Friday Agreement and confessed to having no idea of the importance of Dover to importing. He also has a Law degree from Oxford and a Masters from Cambridge. The achievement of which could of only come about through gross levels of support and finance, because he is not a leader, or man worthy of asking the time. Patel is a vindictive lemon sucking evil manifestation of the Satan. Her eyebrows cost the taxpayer £70,000 in expenses. What does she thing she is? Bozo parties in his home come office come civil service building, while 150,000 British voters died of COVID. And Labour has at last got a leader ready to modernize the party, to take it forward into integrity, while the socialists on the left as always do their best to sabotage Labour's interests. It's like they don't get it. As think as shite. Get into office first, put on your best face and then you can gradually bring about socialist principles, policies and government. Just like Bozo rode the cycle of Brexit just to get into power. Do anything to get into power. Even if it means being nice and getting on with others, who are by the way in exactly the same party. Or Labour can go down the route of not being in power for the next 100 years and let the Tories utterly destroy Britain.

I am personally sick of Tory Governments. The hate I against them has depthless, they are killing Britain, killing the NHS, killing education, destroying the judicial system, making the policing of Britain anemic and killing voters. If we want a NHS which does everything we need to pay for it. We must ensure all the tax avoiders and dodgers now pay their fair taxes. If they can't understand the spirit of the law and the importance of paying taxes then they need to go and live in another country. Be residents of the Monaco jet set, not of Britain. I thought here we liked to be fair, be just and follow the law. But it's not happening. Our Government has taken over the contract business and it means those who are friends of Tories will be fine. Even if those friends happen to be hostile foreign governments.

Our government is corrupt, a fish rots from the head down and Bozo should not be in office, he should be in prison.