Trump is in the news again for the way he acted at the G7 summit. Refusing to listen to reason the G7 might say but, when this large lump of ginger lard decides he is not going to do something he doesn't. Very much like a child Trump sat there with a non-conforming face and not-listening-to-you attitude. He arrives late to the summit, leaves early and immediately says "NO" to remove the tariffs which will be put onto metal imports into the USA. If any single one of the EU leaders had acted in the same way Trump acted at this world summit but towards Trump he'd have an apoplectic fit and throw his rattle out of the pram. His feelings would be so hurt he'd make it one of his life targets to get them back.
It's not possible to discuss deals or to discuss reason with Trump, as there is just a single thing he has in mind and it is the trade deficit America has with the rest of the world. However, the trade deficit has come about because big producers have tendered out their manufacturing processes in other countries rather than keep them internal. With sound financial reasoning, it's cheaper to make phones in China than it is in America, in fact it is cheaper to make most products abroad than in America. It's how big business makes profit, including the likes of Trump himself. Why does he have factories in South Korea? But again this is a question like his Tax statement he'll not answer.
It's said Trump is only doing what his voters want him to do. They see him standing up to Europe and they rally even more and become greater enthusiasts. Paradoxically, it is likely the small-time come mid market American business is more likely to be affected by trade tariffs than the biggest businesses. Further to this Trump's side stepping towards Putin and Jong Un shows someone who has sympathies for tyrants. His narcisic personality type shows he to acts very much like a tyrant and if he could would no doubt put to death those in his government who have acted to his disapproval. It can be seen by his willful neglect of the truth and seeker of self confirming information no matter where it came from or how dubious and fake it is. It's accepted Trump is possibly the highest fake news source other than Russia there has likely ever been. Trump is a democratic tyrant and given the chance would to ensure his family were in power ad infinitum. The question is will get a second term?
Hopefully the answer is going to be no, but the issue comes down to ensuring there are good alternative choices. Not someone like Hillary Clinton who is tainted by a similarity to the rest of previous Democratic choices. Poor old Bernie Saunders might of been an option, but it would be remarkable if he or Hillary were going to run for office again given their ages. Mind it's remarkable to consider Trump might run for a second term in consideration of his age as well and preference to golf than to run a country. He cheats at golf by the way. Besides the manic Trump supporters who get entrenched in the position of support, it's likely those who swung to Trump's child like charisma will not be fooled by it a second time. Trump could not of won by the support of Repulicans alone, he had help from those voters who are unable to make up their mind, the swin voters and those easily influenced and hooked on the notion of a historic America being great again. However at such a time America was altogether more financially similar, as the years have progressed it has now become an extreme and uncaring society where nothing but money talks.
In a way the same is happening to Britian, as though we are on a run away train trundling down the tracks, as each year passes we take on the ideas of large corporations, such ideals which destroy societies. The working classes get hoodwinked into fake news and believe although they are working class they should vote Tory as they are brain washed by the media of an unequal biased national press. The rich and their institutions have now so influenced Britian and hold such powers they are telling us what to think and letting us be dumb idiots to their needs. Indoctrined to lead lives of servitude and thanks to them for what they say they have given us. Wake up, stop, look, learn and most importantly question and re-evaluate, don't go blindly into the night Britain.
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