The UK has been a place where the classes knew where they stood. The poor, the workers, the middle and the upper classes. Even though some may argue there is no such thing as class and will require a definition, something they can put their finger on. Yet in doing so this is an excuse to detract away from the reality of poverty in Britian. A reality you could only know if you lived in this country and come from the poor, the working or even the middle classes. Anyone in the upper echelons of society would have no idea, would not know what it is like to want for something when the thing wanted is a basic requirement for living. So it is. Those who are born in the lower classes have less opportunity and chance to thrive than those in the upper. And by thrive I don't mean go out and procreate because the best thing for upper classes is to see the masses of poor get bigger for they then stand on an even larger step, and those little ones will be the future debtors upon the rich will stand and prosper from. The point here is, without really understanding it, but certainly feeling it I'd say at least 80 to 90 per cent of the British people have been set up to fail. Set up to stay where they are and not given the chance to become socially mobile, not given the chance to excellent education, to physical and mental care to the freedom of a life they should live.
Young kids know no better they are happy with what they are given because this is life and they don't question whether it should be any different, whether it should be better. In recalling tea time during my childhood, one of Mum's favourite teas was spaghetti. She had a thing about Spaghetti in tomato sauce, I ate it but it wasn't my favourite by any shot. She'd heat it up on the stove and we'd have toast with the spaghetti ontop. That tin fed four. One adult and three children. This is the late 1960s and the 1970s now. I'd scoff it down as quickly as I could, now I realise I was always hungry always and on the lookout to get the first dibs on a plate of food. The inevitable words 'it's ready' were shouted then there would be a race to the table and at the sight of the plates a mental arithmatic, calculating which plate was the biggest. I could guarantee the same thing happened with my sisters. It's funny but if I was late for tea because I'd been out playing or it had been cooked earlier than usual then there was nothing to judge. Just the single plate of food there and I'd be happy to eat it even though it would be cold. And it did get could quickly for my mother didn't understand and didn't care about warming up plates. One of the basics of food delivery, put hot food on a cold plate and the food will go cold quickly as well. You don't need to be a scientist to realise this. So to get something hot meant knowing lunch time and tea time and being there ready before it got dished out.
Kids grow up. As they always do, they also get a thirst, it's the want for new things as they compare themselves to other kids who have stuff. This in turn puts pressure on parents as their sons and daughters ask for things they cannot afford. Things which have to be saved up for and be kept in mind for a birthday or christmas. Which no doubt are always expensive. Those families who live in social accomodation, that is council housing or housing association properties would have more to spend than those whose parents were trying desperately to buy their own house. When it comes down to it, it is about available income after all the essentials had been paid for. Today with the drastic reduction in wages and an employers galore market place, employees have to take what they are given. Accept their wages, do their job and be expected to make ends meet. Yet again though like the era I recall it's possible to see the same poverty permeating society, dragging down those poor into the deepest poverty they have every been, making those working classes worker longer hours than they every have. It's acknowledged the UK is the least productive EU nation. It's true, it's the only come back workers have, though it may not be intentional, if you are going to make the poor work like slaves you might find they decide they are not going to be working like a slave and actually slow down their productivity, be creative in the sabotaging of work output. Whether consicous or unconsciously this will happen.
So it is the poor and working classes are not given opportunity, they are given little financial support and the financial support they are expected to claim is changed and re-evaluated by uncaring governments. Why is it under Universal Credit a claimant will actually be less well off than had they continued to claim the individual benefits they were previously entitled to? Why is it politicians think that simplificaiton of six benefits into one makes things easier? It doesn't. I can tell you every family is different, every family has different circumstances and the benefits they get relate to those circumstances. The roll out of UC has pushed more families to be evicted than every before, there are more in emergency short term accomodation than there ever has been, more people on the street begging than ever before and it is getting worse.
When I say some are set up to fail, it is through experience and knowledge of the system of social support of social education and of the social ladder. The ladder which has been covered by grease by some toff who happened to think it was a great idea. In the meantime same toff presses the button for a lift, here it comes. What's that in their hand? Oh yes one of those exclusive toff club key cards, just to ensure only they get access to it. After all they don't want any waif and strays entering their club on the higher floors. If they do, it's through the back entrance. Yep, amongst the shit and they better clear it up after them even tho it belongs to those ontop.
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