Thursday, 27 July 2017

Trump's Disasterous presidency strides on

The world used to look for leadership, humanity and integrity when it cast an eye on America. However, now look to America we don't. The reason is because America had the most liked, most respected man in the world in ex-president Barak Obama. Now has in power the least liked, least competent and most clown like idiot president in history. He has also proved himself to be racist, infantile and self obsessed.

Currently we hear this dictator has banned transgender persons from the millitary, he trudges on trying to remove Obama care which will remove medical care for millions of people. A new employee to the Trump board of directors is Anthony Scaramucci (communications) has sworn profusely on the record and said he will ensure staff are sacked for leaking who it was had dinner with Trump. He called one individual a paranoid schizophrenic, funny because Scaramucci's behaviour sounds like something a schizophrenic might actually do. Except Scaramucci went further saying he was going to fire all of the communication team. This is someone truly unhinged. Trump's approval rating has dropped lower than any rating any president has held, like an 11 year old pubescent kid he tweets new riddiculous part sentences. For he can't write, read or talk English correctly so it is no wonder he is unable to tweet it either.In defence of the transgender community one article describes Trump as a war dodger who comes from a life of privilege. This seems so true it is something which can not be counter argued. He has never served in the millitary and considering his age he would of been prime meat for a number of wars America has been in. This effectively marks Trump out as a coward as well.

The real question which still hasn't been answered is when will all this end? He is now well beyond embarrasment, when will his own supporters stop supporting him and the light switch on?

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