Sunday, 16 November 2014

Andrew Marr the weak interviewer

There is nothing worse than a weak interviewer, one who it appears just wants to be friends with the person in the hot chair.  The so called hot chair then becomes tepid.  A great example of a tough interviewer is Jeremy Paxman, it is only a great shame he no longer does newsnight and it is our loss. On the other hand one of the weakest running interviewers is Andrew Mar.  I don't know if it is out of sympathy the BBC still keep him on, and still have a political program with his name, and his program should be a hell of a lot better than it is, but it's not.  I watch it and each time I do I get further disappointed at yet another opportunity lost. Another chance to really stick it to a politician and get a response. You can see them all lining up to be on his program because he is the easiest interviewer to have, we got a teddy bear when we need a shark.  There is no doubt this man is learned but he just does not have the ability to be cut throat in a cut throat political environment.  He must know all about false logical arguments but he doesn't use what he knows, he is a historian and yet he does not bring into play his knowledge base. How can a political program survive if it is not willing to go beyond the boundaries of niceness? In the case of Marr's show there must be someone in a powerful position who likes him.  For all intent and purpose this man needs to retire, or take on an alternative supporting roll. Perhaps as a political advisor, yes yet another one.  Then just maybe the job will be given to an interviewer who has guts.  BBC put this man out to pastures, green, gentle and away from what should be a gladiators arena, I'm sure he could handle a nice field somewhere.

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