Something happened in the hotel room between Dominique Strauss-Kahn (DSK) former head of the International Monetary Fund and the chamber maid Nafissatou Diallo. There is no doubt of that. DSK claims it was consensual. Diallo claims it was attempted rape. But yet DSK is allowed bail and may not even go to trial. Diallo has been painted as an opportunist woman who has friends with low life criminals, she's not in American. Whilst DSK is a rich powerful man, he commands the attention of heads of states, he walks on water. Yet there is something you just can't help feel he is not revealing. One reason perhaps is because DSK has not stood up with anger and denied it. If he could not do this because of legal reasons, his lawyers should have done so. Instead they went on the attack, discreditting Diallo. Also you have to ask why would a chamber maid want to go about selling her self to customers of a highly esteemed hotel. It would stand to reason if this was her normal behaviour she wouldn't be working there long. It doesn't add up.
It all comes out in the wash. Tristane Banon (a reporter) has also stated DSK tried to rape her. This was in 2003 in Paris, where he acted like "a rutting chimpanzee" trying to rip her clothes off. You can't wonder how the hell if this was the case didn't DSK come to trial over it. The reason could be because DSK had been having a fling with Banon's mother as well. In fact a look on the news web and it is easy to find more allegations of DSKs exploits. However, you have to judge things for yourself. So I would ask anyone who had doubts about DSK to check out the videos of him. These show a man with body language which tells a lot. It tells of someone who has a guilty walk, an arrogant strut, and a quite deceptive face. It is only when you see these images it hits home. And the thought will occur along the lines of "this man is a liar, he did it."
Were it another woman with a less shady background than Diallo then it would likely be this case would not of fallen under they vulture like discredit of DSKs lawyers. He may have admitted to some minor charge. But here is a case of a powerful man who will not. However, as time goes on, more instances of his behaviour will come into the public domain. If the courts don't get to take judgement of DSK many others certainly will.
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