Sunday, 1 May 2011

Lib Dems AV vote will be a no brainer

It is a sad and sorrowful fact, the first real change of the voting system which means so much to so many people is highly likely to fail.  This is all down to the Lib Dems image and decision to form a coalition with the Tories.  When the vote takes place next week, the electorate will make the decision on what they perceive is the salient factor, not the notion of AV at all.  The factor is Lib Democrats and can the be trusted.  The answer intuitively seems to be "no" but don't quote me on this, it's just a feeling I get.  The alternative voting system would of challenged all elected parties to really get their act together.  But we'll see, for I believe one act will not be seen in power again for at least another 70 years, and I don't have to tell you who that is.

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