Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Zimbarbwe and Mugabe

I just heard this morning on the radio about the elections in Zimbabwe. Mugabe is yet again putting his henchmen to work in fiddling the election results. Of persons still alive and classed as Evil, Mugabwe must be on the list. He has been in a continual process of destroying his own country. I hear inflation is running at 100,000 % per year. Ever since the re-repatriation of land from White farmers to the indigenous population food has been in shortage. Zanu PF, are feared for the terror they bring. Mugabe has said he intends to be in power until he is 100 years old. He's presently 83. The famine and destitution of his country is equivalent to a Chinese water torture of genocide. This is one man in my opinion who is rich in his own self worth.

The current elections are officially said to be so close as the electorate has not voted a clear 51% winner. Yet on the radio 4 Today program a spokes man for the opposition party said Mugabe had lost as he'd only won 42% of seats. Of course it is well known elections under Mugabe's rule have been rigged. With deceased voters suddenly turning up on voting lists. Or empty fields being registered as places where thousands of voters live. The BBC have been banned from reporting inside of Zimbabwe. No doubt because Mugabe see them as part of a white imperialist society. I can only hope when the courts convene on acts of genocide or terror to humanity an arrest warrant is issued on Mugabe. He does not deserve his freedom let alone the status to rule a country.

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