Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Mugabe rigs election

It appears with some surprise (not) the election is being rigged in Zimbabwe. Or has been rigged. If the result were yet known. Which we all do know, but officially hasn't been released. An emergency summit of South African nations is taking place in Zambia. This will be where other lackadaisical African presidents wonder if they have got enough gumption to comment on the matter. Lets certainly not consider action, which would be far from their abilities. Nope, especially as the UK has been brandished so Imperialistic. We may have been 200 years ago, but now the only thing nationalistic is our own currency.

I am in the process of reading a book titled "Blood River" it is the story of a reporter who decided to take time out from writing about wars and travel the route Stanley took through what is now known as the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). One of the conclusions I constantly come across is the potential of Africa. If the various countries were able to act like real countries should do rather than have constant internal strife then the African continent would be the richest in the world. It's deposits of rare metals and precious stones are unique. Indeed the Uranium used in the Atom bombs dropped on Japan in the second World War came from the DRC. It is with awe when I read of Nigeria (from the web) which has over 250 ethnic groupings.

On paper African states should rule the world but in reality they are suffering extreme poverty. This is something to get real crazy about. Too often famine is associated with one African state or another, too often scheming and corrupt politicians and worse still the ever increasing death toll of ordinary citizens.

Saturday, 5 April 2008

Mugabe should go and then face trial

I heard with disappointment as the president for South Africa stated the world should wait patently for Zimbabwe's election results. When the real truth is the results are known, it's just Mugabe doesn't want to let the world know. Yet in another radio broadcast Mugabe was being compared to Hitler and Mussolini. Except Mugabe and the Zanu PF did not have 99 % rule of Zimbabwe only a mere 75%. Although this put him squarely into the brackets of dictator some how Zimbabwe is still considered a democracy. It makes me wonder what Thabo Mbeki owes to Mugabe, Mbeki I read will likely be kicked out of government in the 2009 South African elections. Exactly why are African rulers dissuaded from making negative comments about power crazy megalomaniacs like Mugabe? Are they scared?

Mugabe's hit squads are now lose on the streets of Zimbabwe and seeking to emphasise they are still in power. Elections and democracies have no place here. In a country which needs stability, food and a drastic reduction in crime which now look inevitably to continue. More starvation, more genocide, ridiculous inflation and death.

Goth mindlessly killed by drunk teenage boys

In the last few days the sentencing of two teenage boys has been in the press. They had savagely kicked to death a 20 year old goth girl in August 2007. At the time they began their attack on her she was cradling the head of her boyfriend who had already been subjected to a gang kicking. The two teenage boys were the ring leaders and the murderers. The girl was Sophie Lancaster. Sophie and her boyfriend Robert Maltby, both were put into hospital and it took 2 weeks for Sophie to die. As one article I've just read put it:

"Stephen Herbert, 16, and Brendan Harris, 15, repeatedly stamped upon Sophie Lancaster's head as she lay semi-conscious in a suburban park"

Lets consider this was in a public park (Bacup Park), the teenagers were intoxicated, they were part of a gang which normally number 20 plus. The goths looked different, didn't fit in and so to this degree they would of been the typical focal point for bullies. At first the gang had chatted to Robert and Sophie and then led them into the park. Once there the murder took place. Ryan Herbert and Brendan Harris had also 4 months earlier been found guilty of a similar attack on a 14 year old boy and were given a mere 4 months community service. With the alcohol and the mindset of a crowd of peers the murder became an evening's entertainment. Whether it was their intention to kill Sophie is not noted in the press. However, the ignorance and lack of remorse of these attackers is apparent in a comment made by one of the police officers:

"The only thing these lads think they have done wrong is to be caught. It was almost as though they were laughing and joking about what they had done".

Herbert's and Harris's parents were equally condemned in the press because of their attitude, they had lied to the police to prevent their sons being caught, and in their catastrophic parenting skills they saw nothing wrong in letting their sons get drunk, and terrorise the community. Indeed they share the blame.
A person I know said to me, the teenager murderers who did this should be subjected to the same punishment they dealt out against Sophie and Robert. In this act of retribution these teenage boy murderers would then lose their lives. The manner and savagery of their unprovoked attack on Sophie and Robert certainly does initiate such thoughts, and the question of why should they be allowed to live the remainder of their lives although a number years in prison also comes to mind.

At the time this view was passed on to me I hadn't read about this murder. My thoughts were it was a stupid act, one which they will regret for the rest of their lives and equally paying with life does not mean a wrong senseless act is rectified. But when I consider if this were to happen to anyone I loved, I do know how I'd feel about it and my feelings would likely be to seek a settling of the score. The thing is, if a relative of a victim were to in turn kill a murderer it would be pre meditated. Perhaps even considered worse. However, the motive or revenge rather than entertainment would be justice. Of course the chances of catching a murderer are exceedingly high in the UK. From what I understand is over 95%. If murder could be justified by a revenge attack then it's likely the culprit would be caught as well. Subsequently they would spend years in prison and miss the growing up of their loved ones.

The only punishment Herbert and Harris can have which will effect them is their own conscience, but a long period of their freedom deprived will satisfy the Law. I hope during their spell in prison they think over what they have done and understand it's stupidity. Their remorse haunts them, and especially their ignorance, an ignorance which many teenagers wear like a medal. I have no doubt the young lives of Harris and Herbert were insular and depressive. Yet they made the decision to kill and in making this choice had become adults and murderers. Life is such a precious thing and should not be taken in such a way by anyone, you're a long time dead and only a short time alive.

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Zimbarbwe and Mugabe

I just heard this morning on the radio about the elections in Zimbabwe. Mugabe is yet again putting his henchmen to work in fiddling the election results. Of persons still alive and classed as Evil, Mugabwe must be on the list. He has been in a continual process of destroying his own country. I hear inflation is running at 100,000 % per year. Ever since the re-repatriation of land from White farmers to the indigenous population food has been in shortage. Zanu PF, are feared for the terror they bring. Mugabe has said he intends to be in power until he is 100 years old. He's presently 83. The famine and destitution of his country is equivalent to a Chinese water torture of genocide. This is one man in my opinion who is rich in his own self worth.

The current elections are officially said to be so close as the electorate has not voted a clear 51% winner. Yet on the radio 4 Today program a spokes man for the opposition party said Mugabe had lost as he'd only won 42% of seats. Of course it is well known elections under Mugabe's rule have been rigged. With deceased voters suddenly turning up on voting lists. Or empty fields being registered as places where thousands of voters live. The BBC have been banned from reporting inside of Zimbabwe. No doubt because Mugabe see them as part of a white imperialist society. I can only hope when the courts convene on acts of genocide or terror to humanity an arrest warrant is issued on Mugabe. He does not deserve his freedom let alone the status to rule a country.

Sunday, 30 March 2008

Queing for a bus

Queuing used to be a one of those things which marked out civilised society from society which is selfish and arrogant. It is a fair way of ensuring resources or people are dealt with. In the area of London I come from and other areas I am informed it no longer happens. People just push forward, and often a large crowd will try and enter a bus's doors all at once rather than in file. I used to think it was because of the changing ethnicity in my area. However, perhaps it is ignorance. Ignorance of what once was the pervading culture of bus queueing, which is a rugby scrum. Ignorance which doesn't know otherwise. Ignorance which is likely to be a cause of assaults and all out fighting at bus ranks in and around London.

What is the answer to this situation I ask myself. Maybe there should be an advertising campaign by Transport for London. On why people should que. On why it is civil etiquette and manners to say please, or thank you. And why an abled bodied person should give up their seat to either a pregnant woman or elderly person for example. Personally I see the reasons clearly, but I am only one. I say "thank you" each time I scan my bus pass on the driver's machine. I might stand out as odd amongst the uncouth, because I am not one of them. Maybe even create a small twinge in their conscience. For health and safety reasons, queuing is important, for a civil and just society it is important. I may not say anything when I witness this phenomenon, but I will think it. I might occasionally do a side ways step into the path of someone who wants to push in front of me. Unfortunately society in London has dumbed down, lost it's manners and wears the badge of ignorance like a crown.

Saturday, 29 March 2008

China's dominion of Tibet

Tibet has been on the news lately. With it the people there have been peaceably demonstrating but being subjugated by China's excessive policing style. Further, China has been villifying the Dalai Lama, blacking out any opposing news and simultaneously promoting the next Olympics. Unfortunately, they can't do it all at once and get away with it. Papers all over the world, except China, are onto their ploy. I really do wonder how they can cite the Dalai Lama as a terrorist. I don't think he has ever done anything bad. He's just not the kind to go out and do so.

Beware of China, for it will be the biggest nation in the world, the richest and the most Communist run. Seems odd though to me. Because as a communist governement I'd of thought everbody was equal. It's a bit like Orwell's classic. Some are in this case, more equal than others.