Monday, 9 August 2021

Living with the worst Tory government in British history

 It is beyond a joke, it is beyond incompetence, so far beyond any word would be inadequate to describe the UK government. It is undoubtably, corrupt.

I lived through the Thatcher era and at the time it felt like working class people had nothing, we could barely rub two pennies together. Food was spare on the table. To the extent, it changed me. I saw food, whether breakfast or dinner, and would scoff it down as though it was both my first and last meal. Thatcher made the poor and the working classes pay for her Britain. Just as Johnson today will be making those same classes pay for his time running this country. Billions of pounds seem to be getting wasted at any opportunity to furnish the pockets of Tory donors. The tabloid press is so right biased it is not bothering to question or seek out truth anymore. Instead, it does it's best to twist the truth and make it seem as though the Tories are the best thing since sliced bread.

The country is divided down cultural lines, social lines and any other line the Tories can find. Even working class voters have been gaslit into believing everything is the fault of the left, but yet this corrupt party has been in power for 11 years. They've had this time to change and improve the country instead Britain is now plunging into the depths of financial ruin. Each day is like a cut and we are dying of many of these.