Tuesday, 30 April 2019

The death of Mariam Moustafa - when Murder is afray

A young teenage woman, is followed by a gang of other women onto a bus. There’s a video showing that for a short period a young man kept the gang of girls away from her. Or so it seems. The video clip is short and would of surely come from one of the gang. The single young lady picked on is of Eygptian descent, the girls who attacked her were said to number between 6 and 10. They hit her many times. As her father indicated in an interview she had bruises all over her body. The gang of other teenage girls were all black. Six of them were taken to court, the names of three were released, but the others were kept confidential.

This young woman was Mariam Moustafa, 18, was attacked on February 20th, she went to hospital after the attack, where she was discharged. Then was taken again having been found in a coma. On March 14th she died of a brain embolism. 

Here is a case of the justice system getting it completely wrong. So wrong as to make it look like a laughing stock. It doesn’t matter it took four weeks for Mariam to die after her attack, the result whether delayed or instant was the same. But just imagine, if Mariam had died on that bus, after the assault what the headlines would of been like. There certainly would of been no delay in arresting the gang and keeping them rightfully locked up. 

Perhaps though because Mariam didn't die instantly this has been treated differently. Which is wrong, the assault on Mariam led to her death, this is fact.  Therefore the salient question is why is it no one has been charged with murder?  Everyone of those girls should be charged by joint enterprise as participants to this cowardly gang bullying and murder. 

Poor Mariam had met some of this group before, they had bullied her and they were intent on harming Mariam. The reason is irrelevant for there is nothing this single young lady on her own could have done to protect herself. Nothing she could of done to provoke this, she was effectively a young woman who faced racism, a hate crime and paid with her life.  Mariam ran onto that bus In Parliament Square, Nottingham. To get away from the gang, she wanted to avoid confrontation. She’d even texted her mother and sister not to meet her as she didn’t want them to get involved or hurt. Seeing the momentary video clip of Marian boils up anger when viewed as this was a vulnerable girl being harassed by a gang of cowards. Girls who should not be allowed a day of liberty, girls who should be paying for their crime properly.

This young lady had her life in front of her, she wanted to be an engineering student, she was loved by her family so much. Her father Mohamed Moustafa is rightly angry at the British justice system, and so to is Eygpt as the story took off like a bomb shell in their press. Mr Moustafa was not kept up to date with the hearing schedule for the accused girls, the courts had kept him in the dark. He had no chance to stare them in the face.

The identified culprits are Mariah Fraser, 19, Britania Hunter, 18, and a 16-year-old girl, admitted their part in the attack before Judge Gregory Dickinson QC on April 16. Three other teenage girls, two aged 17 and one aged 18 admitted affray at Nottingham Youth Court last year.

There should be a consequence to a crime and the consequence should equal the severity of the crime in law. I put it, if all the six girls were on charge for this crime and murder by joint enterprise, they'd crack. Under the pressure of TV, press and pointing the finger of blame at each other. The truth would come out, their vile and disgusting behaviour aired for all to hear. Then justice would be served. So the Crown Prosecution Service have got it wrong. They have not thought this through. Therefore the question is why are they all not on murder charges?