Perhaps this is a new pastime for idiots of the world, maybe a new craze a little like the cold water challenge, where eagerness to take part was met by millions of videos of individuals having buckets with cold water and ice pored over them. Except no one needed to call out the fire brigade and get rescued for such a harmless even. So what did this man gain from it? Quite simply he gained the best publicity he could ever get and it was absolutely free. So it is Jay Swingler 22 years old of Wolverhampton should be nominated as the UKs best candidate to the Darwin award for 2017. If we are lucky he may even commit himself to a second try out and next time throw his entire body into it. He could then be put to some nominal use in supporting a motorway structure in perpetuity. A graffiti plaque would be perfect to commemorate him.
It doesn't take much to ask whether those fire fighters could of been put to better use. In fact, it may well be worth asking was there any other emergency at the time they might have been attending. Such as a pile up on a motorway where a family would have appreciated their skills in cutting them free from the tangled mess of metal cars. Indeed, this inspirational act of cretinism cost the tax payer thousands of pounds. It's not free having a fire service and lets say this probably took at an hour from their day if not more to rescue him. Swingler argued it was not a waste of time because they had saved his life. Yet should a Darwin candidate such as Swingler be allowed to prevent non-Darwin candidates from having their lives saved. It wasn't just reckless, this act of self publicity of looking for national attention and coverage should be worth of a crime and prosecution by the Crown Prosecution Service. Swingler had a choice whether to be stupid and put his head in poly filler in a microwave. He didn't have to, he could of had mates on standby with cutting tools ready to rescue him. He didn't. He wanted to look like a twat and he does. Yet in doing so it can be argued any person with an iota of a brain would see there to be a consequence and to do something without good cause which puts your own life at risk goes beyond stupidity. It goes beyond the requirement of a brain. It is scandalous and malevolent against those who needed the help of emergency services at the same time he was encased.
Swingler has to justify what he has done, he has to justify it to every tax payer and as it is so apparent his act cannot be justified he needs to be punished. His YouTube account closed down, every image of his face deleted from the internet and then made to pay the full costs of all public services involved in his rescue. The reality however is, the emergency services should of advised him to attend a hospital, where he could of waited in excess of 4 hours before being seen. Then the doctors could of asked a hospital porter to set about freeing the idiot with a microwave on his head, the idiot who is guilty of a crime. Not because it was a stupid act but because his very stupidity and conscious knowledge of it may have resulting in the subsequent death of real people in a real emergency situation.