I count myself very lucky not to be American, because in my entire life there has not been a worse leader than the Trump. Who likes to vent a lot of hot air, who is a cretin and I would not follow him or give him the time of day for any reason at all. So now when he is on TV I'll mute the volume or I'll change channel. When he reads from a script he desperately has had prepared by individuals with higher verbal reasoning it is painful to watch, because he clearly can not read coherently. Further being president is for him a ticket to ever greater self publication, self advertisement and self appraisal, because lets face it there are very few people who would appraise him.
Yesterday a terrorist drove his van along a cycle path killing a number of people and injuring more. When the video was shown of a man who was in the process of running, it was evident he hadn't planned where he was about to run, he had the look of a confused person and the look of someone who may have a mental health problem. In the meantime I hear a senator wants this individual to be treated as an enemy combatant so he can be questioned without a lawyer and no doubt can be legally tortured. There was no talk of lets examine the individual, find out his intentions, his mental well being and what went wrong, then lets say whether it was terrorist related. The man we know had got his green card in 2010 was married and had a family. Knowing this, it becomes more reasonable to ask what was his motivation? To any sane individual going on a murder spree will mean it's unlikely you'll see your own children grow up and they may well suffer as a result of your actions. For what's now to stop the Trump administration removing the citizenship of him, his partner and his children and making them effectively stateless.
Given this 29 year old, Uzbekistan man by birth and American by of state lottery had done this dastardly deed I can't help wonder whether he really adopted his new country at all. For how could such a man be a citizen and have taken these actions. He had self radicalised and why would this be? Perhaps because there is no adoptive Americanisation program for immigrants. What is sure, is Trump will do anything to stop all immigrants but particularly those of Islamic persuasion from entering America. Yet in this scape goating paranoia of immigrants we don't see the same for indigenous nationals. What comes to mind is the mass murder by a man in Las Vegas, who was white, christian and American right through his DNA. His murder of many more persons snows that Trump thinks it's fine to own guns but it's not fine to be Muslim.
It is a tragic event in every way, but Trump should not be the person talking on behalf of America, someone the world has respect and acceptance for should be up front. So yes, I'll read about the event but will not hear a word spoken by a moron who sadly is president.