There is a feeling I can't shake off, it is the UK going to pot. It all began with the recession which was generated by Labour governments and incredibly bad decisions. Tony Blair instigated PFI in order to build schools and hospitals, at the time everyone thought it was ludicrous that a hospital should be paid for ten times over through this initiative but it didn't stop him pushing it forward. Just as Gordon Brown decided it was better for the country to hold court with the bankers, keep them sweet and give them as much as he possibly could. In doing so he wilfully decided not to help the manufacturing sectors of the economy. What the use is it to have one banker in work and several thousand ordinary people on the dole? It's ludicrous. Yet to top it all off the inevitable labour loss cropped up and then we find a Tory government who only wants to privatise as much as possible. It is all put under the guise of trying to reduce the economic deficit. It is like they have a get out of jail free card. Every time someone says there policies are not working they pull out a stock phrase such as services can not be strong unless we have a strong economy to pay for them. Unfortunately still the deficit persists and Osborne's promises of balancing recede further into the distance. He has lost the plot, but really no more so than the politicians before him. In the meantime with so many elderly people needing support and care the costs to keep the worst 2 percent of needy people take up 50 percent of local authority budgets. A third of all hospital beds are being blocked by people who have nowhere to go. Operations are now stacking up higher than the tallest buildings in Canary Wharf.
In addition the welfare budget goes up and up and living standards go down. Some people have been on welfare benefits most of their life. They expect everything to be given to them. Yes they may live in poverty but they see no way out because the opportunities, education and motivation is not there for them. The working population and their direct taxes declines while large businesses such as Amazon, Google and Next pay no tax at all. Their profits go up but the tax they should be paying which would go towards education, NHS and local services is not there. It has evaporated into that lovely creamy layer at the top of a pint of Guinness which is supped slowly by politicians, bankers and accountants. A time will come where we are unable to afford free health care, so it will then be costed. It is actually costed now but the general public doesn't usually foot a bill. It will not be far away in the future where if you can not afford insurance then you can not go to a hospital. Paupers funerals are increasing, the working poor now start to use food banks as well, education is being taken over by faith schools who have narrow curriculum and enjoy the poison of religion with charitable status. In the meantime the mentally ill become severely ill and go on rampages killing innocent people just because they have nobody who will listen to them or a welfare system which is now designed to weed them out of the benefits system so they will starve to death.
Britain has become a magnet for ethnic minority groupings and in a short decade the population rate has increased about a million for each year. It is no wonder we have a welfare and care systems under strain for those who are now added into the mix have never contributed taxes to the very system they take out of. Not to mention of there being a housing shortage. People take out but don't put back in, just as the long term unemployed who have no intention to work and continue to free-load. These may seem stereotypical views but they are echoes of what people think. It is not fair and the system is breaking under the strain. It is top heavy, there has to be a new way forward, it takes a little lateral thinking. Something the bankers, accountants and politicians don't have.
We think things are bad now but in five years time continuing under this government they are going to be a lot worse.