Sunday, 18 January 2015

The Rich they don't just screw each other they screw the poor as well

The working classes and the poor of the UK are becoming poorer. There are several factors which take place in this, a recession which inevitably makes those with little have even less. A government who's only fiscal policy out of this recession is to cut back spending on the essential items which should not be cut back on. Fire brigade, the NHS, education, welfare benefits for the needy and vulnerable and the reduction of taxes for the rich.  When the top one per cent of wealth in the UK is not trickling down, a fallacy held since the oppressive Thatcherite government of the 1980s. So as a consequence the Rich are getting Richer and Richer. It is beginning to feel like we have stepped back in time by two hundred years. Where if you were born poor your life would be in continuous servitude to the wealthy people, which was a reality in Britain while the Empire built up it was not working classes who had their income, working conditions or general living conditions improve, it was the working classes who served and died for the rich in society.  When countries of the world hold memories of colonial rule, it is the rule of the British they generally refer to (though not all) but of the British it was not the general public who were colonialists it was the upper echelons of the
society.  So now for the last 40 years the poor people are viewed as the poor stupid people of the UK, their previous aspirations of equality and moving up the imaginary ladder of society have been sucked away by the leeches (Rich people) of society. Yet this is not just a British phenomenon for it is now said the top 85 riches people in the world own 50 percent of the world's wealth.

If my life can not be realised by equality, if I am going to be considered a non entity in this world to genuflect to the Rich and politicians who do not represent me then I have no voice. What have I to lose?  If I will see those I love sucked in to deprivation and poverty and know they are worthy of more, are capable of more but are never given the opportunity for the word opportunity has been hijacked by the elite, then what is to be done?  These persons who own the world I will never know and they have no care my my kin or class. Those who have not worked and got dirty hands.  The rich, the super rich, the aristocrats, bankers, accountants, tax dodging and tax avoiding, money grabbing arse-holes. How am I to react?  My discontent will get stronger, my anger once tempered will raise itself and not be held down. If I am not a lone individual and the 99 per cent population get to feel this way the revolution has already began. This is when the world could flip and be aware whoever you are for things may change and they will not be the same again.

The difference between the rich and the poor has gotten so wide middle classes are being  pushed into extinction. They to feel discontent. With the 99 per centers now in a state of recognising this the world has got to change. I hope it does, I don't prey but were I a believer I'd prey it changes. For otherwise not too far in the distant future this place we call a country will be fractured and chaotic. If the 1 per centers do not get on side and see their own existence could be at risk to stay in gluttony they will become victims of an almighty backlash. One which will be like a tsunami, it will reverberate everywhere. The rich get richer the poor poorer and this world can not sustain it, not in any way. Something must change.

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Je suis Charlie

Je Suis Charlie

This is to all those fundamentalists who misguidedly think murdering innocent people justifies their beliefs to take away the freedom of others. 

If we acted the same way as the fundamentalists they'd never be allowed an opinion, so why should they impose their opinion on the rest of us?

And another message from the freedom to live and express oneself which Europeans believe in.

Fuck You.