Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Product placement the bane of the viewer

Product placement advertising in music videos is beyond a joke, and the bigger the star it seems the more frequent the advertising. Regardless of whether the product is any good, it just has to be seen. It's as though the advertisers think their audience is a bunch of morons. There is not a product explicitly advertised in any music video I have ever bought, and I'll tell you what I have seen thousands and thousands of them. It gets to the point where I create a music list then just play the music in the background not watching the vid. Most juke boxes don't show the vids of the music either.  I have no reason to purchase these things and I don't. Products which are functional not glamours are the things which catch my attention. Although it is possible to get some items which are  pleasing to the eye and do the job very well. Then I will purposefully search out and read hundreds of reviews.

In fact it isn't even the value of an item which is taken into account (within reason) it is whether it does it's job, whether it is easy to use, if it is made to last, do I need it and lastly perhaps can I live with what it looks like. Lets face it there are hundreds of items we use and they don't look particularly good. A knife and fork are such things, but they are functionally brilliant.

If an advertiser is pushing something in my face, if they are going all out to sell a product, you have to ask yourself how much money are they making on this and then wonder surely if something is good silent recommendation is worth more than any pound spent in advertising. It is good to see new products, but not have them rammed down your throat. Maybe they are just targeted at a certain type of person or generation of person, but even a niave idiot would soon get to realise they can't be an idiot all their life.

Give me a knife and fork any day.

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Sheffield Hallam rid us of this nasty man

Next year will tell the extent Liberal Democrats are liked or disliked. The worst representative of this party is it's leader Nick Clegg and at this crucial time the people of Hallam in Sheffield hold in their hand a powerful pen, one which could be used wisely to rid the country of this man.  Yes the Liberal Democrats were not in power from their own majority, but by coalition.  Yes they had to make compromises to be in this place, but they sold their souls to the devil.  They made promises they could not keep and they are now equally responsible for every Tory policy as are the Tories.  Their strength would of been greater had they allowed a hung parliament and stood by their views, forcing the hand of the Tories on every vote.  Instead the UK is in no better a place than when the Tories came into power.  In fact it is worse.  Clegg must go, he can not be allowed back into politics again, who knows what deals he would then make with the next person in charge, the next Tory how would Nick strip this country and backtrack on more false promises. Once a promise breaker always a promise breaker.  He can not be relied on to appropriately look after this country and if he loves Europe so much why the heck doesn't he go and live in Luxembourg or France because if the voters of the country have anything to say in this matter he's not going to be welcome.  Were I in Hallam I'd be motivated to certainly get this man out, he is without honour and he has helped to create further poverty.