Sunday, 10 February 2013

Jeremy Hunt the Psycho

Without fail, every time I see Jeremy Hunt I think he is insane. There is a far off look in his eyes, a madness about him, he should be in a white coat and a soft padded room, alone. In this solitary place it would probably be too crowded as well. I don't know if he is a man with an ego like Cameron or whether it's because he has an arrogant hubris like Osborne, or perhaps it is both of these. This is the man who thought even though it was best for all if News Corp won their bid for Sky, even as Culture Secretary for the government. When I see Hunt, Cameron or Osborne something nasty turns in my stomach. They want not to just rule the country but to own it and to hoodwink every single person. But they take us for fools, which part of the electorate probably is, the part which voted for them in the first place and thought they would be the best option.

Jeremy Hunt it is rumoured wear women's panties. I'm sure this rumour is true, it would account for his odd stare. Now he is the Health Secretary, he will no doubt fix up an appointment with a shrink to investigate his preference for women's knickers above boxers. It will be free of course because he is an important person. Well, I'm sure he is in someone's eye's, his mum's?  Then again maybe not. Mind he must see a doc every few days, on account of the horns which grow on the top of his head. They need to be ground down every once in a while. He now presides over what will happen with the death camp called Mid Staffordshire Hospital, where it is has been said over a 1,000 people prematurely died. Hunt agrees nobody has been held to account, but he doesn't speak the language of retribution. He defers responsibility to the culture of the hospital but doesn't take it on himself. He says the NHS is to bureaucratic and his solution is another level of form filling. One thing I can say for sure, Mr Hunt will not enter an NHS hospital if there is anything wrong with him, he'll go private, and probably from the profit he makes as a share holder in News Corp, if not shares likely employment opportunity when he leaves.

The Tories will  not be in power another term as for the Liberals it will take another 70 years before they can even conceive influence like this again. They will not be in power if my vote counts for something, and I may even help canvas as well. Hunt is one psycho heading to a hotter place, I bet he's even got his own trident.