President Asad has today been airing his views on the rebels fighting in his country. It is as though he thinks he actually owns his country and every life in it. Listening to part of his speech I found it quite laughable as everything he said could of been spoken by a rebel commander who had been given the publicity to air their thoughts. Asad should not be given the oxygen of speech he is now without doubt becoming a tyrant. Much in the same way as Gaddaffi and Saddam have been. These tyrants look after their own and then put the rest of the country into termoil, like parasites they suck the blood out of them.
The freedom of speech is not given to other political parties, to the rebels, to anyone who opposes the views of Asad. His words come across as those of a mad man, again similar to the mad men rulers of yesterday who are of course dead. Asad, you will tear your country apart, Syria needs to be free, you will be guilty of murder and so will your followers. Many will die and it will take a long time, but your days are certainly numbered.