Sparkling has been watching the Olympics and then asks if I have seen
it. No I reply, which is more out of stubbornness than anything else.
For I can not see there is any justification in 9.4 billion pounds being
spent on it, when 9 high tech state of the art hospitals could of been
built and ran and saved thousands of lives. Bile rises up in me. This
country is not rich and is going through the worst recession in
history. The UK is in a new age in many respects and it will take at
least ten to twenty years before we see a change, and it is not guaranteed that change will be for the better. It could be we are now
becoming an under developing country who's status is moving from innovator and producer to user and stagnation. Maybe it is the pessimist head I have put on which is effecting me. Maybe everything will be hunky dory, but why do I feel this would be false optimism. Just like the time Thatcher was in government and managed to degrade and make the working classes nothing more than something stuck to the bottom of her shoe. There is only one common theme, Tory ignorance is it.
The privileged can not, and do not understand what life is like for the working classes or the unemployed. They have not felt poverty, by virtue of their wealth. Anyone who has been bought up from a privileged family or background will not understand how tough it can be. They take for granted and acceptance when the light is switched on it will work. The notion the electricity bill has not been paid doesn't come into it. When a privileged person sits down to eat, they don't wonder about the amount of food on their plate, a person who has experienced poverty will. But also in the experience of this they will have compassion for others. They know what deprivation is, a privileged person never can. They also know what it is like to be taken advantage of, to be discriminated against because they can not afford decent clothes. They have not sat in overfilled classes and been taught by teachers who are worn out and are no more than child minders to teenagers who don't want to be there. They don't know how depression and disaffection towards the future, effects those teenagers living in it. They don't know what it is like to be waiting in a hospital for hours on end needing medical attention, or not go on a holiday because it can not be afforded, year after year. And Tory leaders have always lacked compassion to be completely loaded with their own ignorance.
If they don't know what more than half the country is feeling how can they run the country? They simply can not. The results of their poor decision making will make the poor even poorer, the vulnerable more vulnerable and the greedy richer still.
God save the Queen, but don't give a toss about the rest of us.