Sunday, 26 February 2012

Hijab comment at airport

The creator of Fireman Sam, David Jones was stopped at a Heathrow airport after making a silly little quip which was not aggressive, discriminatory or racist.  As a woman wearing a hijab walked through Jones said "If I was wearing my scarf over my face I wonder what would happen?"  He was then detained for a hour by cretinous airport officials and questioned by Police.  This was the comment of a man who is frustrated with how crazy political correctness has become.  He got penalised and he was not wearing any suspicious clothing.  He was white, a male and a pensioner.  This man was penalised more because he spoke his mind, in a country with alleged free speech he suffered.  The individual who needs re educating is the one who took the decision Jones should be detained.  This was an innocent comment.  If we are to take political correctness further every individual who wears an item which obscures their face should be stopped and asked to remove it.  As human beings we read faces, eyes are the windows to the soul.  Facial expression tells a lot, if people are happy, sad, tense or shifty these expressions are universal.  The incredibility of this story was such that as the news papers were reviewed on the Andrew Marr Show this Sunday morning, Andrew Marr himself verbally skited over the subject and directed his fellow paper reviewers away from it.  This is supposed to be a serious political correspondent and he can not make up his mind whether he should speak for reason or not.  Again no doubt there was some apprehension, after all he had a show to run and didn't want to be stopped for an hour.  Sad, because this is a serious political question and brief discussion was most certainly warranted.

In security terms this is probably more important than moronic airport staff.  If someone is acting in a suspicious clues to their actions will be more apparent from the expression on their face.  It should therefore go, ever airport in the country should have a rule of no head wear except in the case of medical necessity, and a doctor's note.  Religion should not be allowed to become a justification for terrorism.  If a fanatic is going to do something to endanger the lives of others they will do it in a way to shroud their intentions.  Jones, should be given a medal for saying what the rest of us think.  Indeed.  There is nothing to stop Jones from going out and creating his own religious group, one where males cover their faces and walk in public areas.  I wonder then what everyone would be saying. 

Lastly the actions of these official trumped up self important persons has now made the notion of a free society, and freedom of speech questionable.  We all have opinions in this world and we are allowed to state them.  If the woman in the hijab didn't moan about Jones comments why should it matter to someone else.  She had the equal right to complain, she didn't.   For the sake of security let us now argue for the removal off head and facial coverings at our airports and certainly in all european countries.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

India buys fighter aircraft rather than tackles poverty

There are actions which are so outrageous the deny belief.  A prime example now is India and how it treats its own people.  This is a country with great poverty but also great riches.  It has more billionaires than the UK.  However, rather than consider ways to tackle poverty it is now purchasing fighter aircraft from France but does nothing to help the poor.  The UK gives more in international development finance to India than India gives to itself.   India spent ten billion British pounds on these fighter aircraft, India spent money on ensuring the F1 Grande Prix included it on the circuit, India has a space program.  So why, why does the UK give any aid to India at all?  Maybe in India they do not believe in the right to life, there is no respect to it.  While here in the UK jobs which were indigenous to this country have been sold abroad to India.  Because they do it cheaper.  Then we lose employment and gain in an additional cost of unemployment benefits.  I personally detest speaking to any call centre and find at the end of the phone line is someone who is in India and has just given me an English name to call them by.  At this point I know they are lying.  If they can not tell me their real name how can I tell anything else they say to me is the truth.  My heckles raise.  I know being self protectionist and insular is a bad thing, but the facts are this is not a level playing field and it is probably about time the UK thought twice about giving away finance to countries which don't need but lack in moral values.  What happened to the old saying "charity begins at home?"