I am fed up with my taxes being paid to people who are skiving off the state. People who have been unemployed for a long time and especially those who have no intention to work. If they have been unemployed for more than a year they should be made to work for their benefit. Given public duties for example, like 16 hours a week picking up dog poo, scraping off chewing gum from the pavement, or stick them in front of CCTV monitors so they can view them for crime taking place. Anything. It doesn't matter what it is they need to get off their lazy arses and bloody do something. I am convinced they just have no impetus. This particularly goes for the young. If you are physically capable then forced bloody labour, or forced conscription. The same should go for any person no matter what nationality. If they are claiming state benefits it should not be a free ticket for the rest of their life. Paying taxes is what makes a person a responsible individual. Meeting other people, working, having a boss, taking part of life this is what the unemployed are shirking off.
As for the government and such crappy initiatives as A4E, this organization don't help either. There has to be a structured induction back into the workplace. Training. Whether it is for 6 months or 2 years, this has got to be supported by the government. Those unemployed people out there have skills as well but they don't know it. They need pushing in the right direction. An aptitude test to see where their natural qualities lie and then bang, hit them with a course which qualifies them and gives them real in work experience. One where employers are paid to help them train staff. This country needs building up at a skill level, not one bloody cut back to pay the bloody deficit after another. This government is starving the economy. Give people something to do. Give them anything so they can get a feeling of their own self worth and ability to do things. Anything at all. We have to look to the future and like it or not Cameron and Osborne it means getting out of the mind set of clearing up a deficit at the expense of the country's future. For there will be no future. Don't they get it? Are they so stupid? Stick an unemployed person in their job and see if they can do better, we might even be surprised.
Hell, there's a thought. All the unemployed people getting together and voting in their own MPs. People who represent the unemployed and put forward policies to help them get into work. They'd bloody win every seat they'd contest. There is so much negativity in the current policies of government it is like Cameron is accepting the country is in the pits. There is nothing progressive. Cut this, cut that. Soon there will be no toilet paper in public loos, you'll have to take your own tissues because Cameron will decree it. .