Monday, 12 December 2011

Sir Fred Goodwin - fat cat, tyrant, fraudster, what is he?

More news has today added to the pile of evidence pointing a finger of downright incompetence at Sir Fred Goodwin the ex boss of Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS).  It was RBS who were bailed out by the British tax payer to the tune of 45 billion pounds.  It was Freddy the shredder, who walked away without so much as a single law suit or day behind bars.  It is Sir Fred who was knighted and has shown beyond all doubt he should be relieved of his honorary status, and could only serve better penance for his actions if he were locked up in a tower, with only bread and water for the rest of his life.  His incompetence has meant every man woman and child has paid in the kitty for a slice of his rotten bank.  Had the tax payer not then the country would of been bought to it's knees in the biggest crash europe could of ever seen.

A report published by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) into the goings on at RBS has been viewed, by "Dirty Freddie's lawyers" has said an inside source.  Every single line of it has been checked with a fine comb, because Teflon Freddie doesn't want to be prone to law suits from his old customers.  It was Fred who oversaw the deal to purchase AMN Ambrose, a failing business not worth the paper it was written on.  In fact the report has not been published for the public eye, it has been put under lock and key.  This is not just highly sensitive material, it could mean Fred is open to being drowned in a Tsunami of civil law suits.  This is the man who staff saw stripping assets and giving himself bonuses, year after year.  This is a man who revelled in his selfish Ebenezer qualities.  A man who can sit on a nice island hide away for the rest of his life and be comfortable to the end of his days.  While pensioners whose providers had bought into his company see their savings diminish.  This is a man who single handily takes a lot of the blame for the recession we are in, but has washed his hands of responsibility.  This is a man who deserves one place and that place is behind bars.

Look out Fred, it's only a matter of time before some smart hacker gets the report in the open.  Roll on lawsuits.