Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Boy murdered at Victoria station 25 March 2010

It is incredibly sad to hear a boy of 15 years of age was stabbed and murdered at Victoria Tube station.  His name was Sofyen Belamouadden. The worse part is it was a group murder, in which as many as 20 other school children were also involved.  Those involved wore school uniforms.

This is a typical example of "group think" taking place, or "mob rule."   I'm sure individually none of those persons would have done this deed on their own.  However, with peers present it became easier.  The group mind took over, even the most intelligent gang members would of dropped 20 IQ points.  There is also no doubt, no consideration was taken as to whether they would actually kill the boy even though knives were used.  For if they did understand what the repercussions would be then the surface of their consciousness might be pricked.  The group mind is also cultural to young teenagers.  It is as though many believe they are in some kind of war.  They aspire to be noticed, to show they are big and respectable in their insular circles.  Circles which are based on the school they go to and the area they are bought up in.  Blame is sometimes put on violent musical lyrics, or on the Americanisation of youth culture, however, ultimately the blame is with the individual who carries a knife and then uses it.  If we are to believe these individuals are free from homicidal intent, then the blame may be proportionately put on  politics, schooling, local area, peers, TV and lets not forget poverty.

Responsibility is a matter of knowing what consequences are and accepting them.  It is difficult to ponder what the answer is in the case of homicide by gang culture, especially when thinking of justice.  For if the rest of the world takes the same view this group did at the time they ambushed their victim, they would all be pushing up daisies themselves.  Who truely knows what the answer is, except somewhere there is now a family in mourning at the stupid and sensless loss of a young man's life.