Sunday, 30 March 2008

Queing for a bus

Queuing used to be a one of those things which marked out civilised society from society which is selfish and arrogant. It is a fair way of ensuring resources or people are dealt with. In the area of London I come from and other areas I am informed it no longer happens. People just push forward, and often a large crowd will try and enter a bus's doors all at once rather than in file. I used to think it was because of the changing ethnicity in my area. However, perhaps it is ignorance. Ignorance of what once was the pervading culture of bus queueing, which is a rugby scrum. Ignorance which doesn't know otherwise. Ignorance which is likely to be a cause of assaults and all out fighting at bus ranks in and around London.

What is the answer to this situation I ask myself. Maybe there should be an advertising campaign by Transport for London. On why people should que. On why it is civil etiquette and manners to say please, or thank you. And why an abled bodied person should give up their seat to either a pregnant woman or elderly person for example. Personally I see the reasons clearly, but I am only one. I say "thank you" each time I scan my bus pass on the driver's machine. I might stand out as odd amongst the uncouth, because I am not one of them. Maybe even create a small twinge in their conscience. For health and safety reasons, queuing is important, for a civil and just society it is important. I may not say anything when I witness this phenomenon, but I will think it. I might occasionally do a side ways step into the path of someone who wants to push in front of me. Unfortunately society in London has dumbed down, lost it's manners and wears the badge of ignorance like a crown.

Saturday, 29 March 2008

China's dominion of Tibet

Tibet has been on the news lately. With it the people there have been peaceably demonstrating but being subjugated by China's excessive policing style. Further, China has been villifying the Dalai Lama, blacking out any opposing news and simultaneously promoting the next Olympics. Unfortunately, they can't do it all at once and get away with it. Papers all over the world, except China, are onto their ploy. I really do wonder how they can cite the Dalai Lama as a terrorist. I don't think he has ever done anything bad. He's just not the kind to go out and do so.

Beware of China, for it will be the biggest nation in the world, the richest and the most Communist run. Seems odd though to me. Because as a communist governement I'd of thought everbody was equal. It's a bit like Orwell's classic. Some are in this case, more equal than others.